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We starts walking down the halls and the girls are asking be so many questions!

"so you're in band? what do you play?" Zoe says

"um yea its kinda a nerdy secret, but i play clarinet. But i also play some guitar at home."

"I play clarinet to. Beth use to but she quit and Melissa plays flute" Zoe says

we stop walking when the bell rings and realise we're late. Then we start walking a bit faster until we reach the class

"Hey Mrs.Freeman sorry we're late but we were side-tracked trying to show Isabella around" Melissa says

"Oh i guess its fine just dont be late again. so you're Isabella? Isabella Flores the new girl correct?" Mrs.Freeman asks

"i believe so." i say nonchalantly

"okay you sit Anywhere for now" she says waving her hand telling me to go.

i start walking to the back of the room when Beth pulls me over to a seat next to her. This is gonna be a long class.

*skip the class*

we start getting up and out of the room when Zoe walks next to me.

"I um have someone i want you to meet." Zoe says nervously i just nod as we start walking towards the what Im guessing band hall.

By now Beth is gone and we are in a office. We being me and Zoe while Melissa is getting her flute.

"Jake?" Zoe says looking at a boy sitting down in the office.

(A/N) Sorry i haven't been updating first i forgot my password, Then i had writers block, and this weekend i was so sick!! Hope this
will help me make it up to you guys!! Love you!! XxXxX

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