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*A week earlier*

"-weeelllll, If you insist" I say talking to my best friend.

"Good, I'll pay for your plane ticket"
y/b/f said making the girl smile at how persistent her best friend was, she and y/b/f had been friends since middle school all the way till now. The two haven't seen each other for a whole two years due to y/n crazy working schedule and when she finally convinced y/n to go and fly out to Vancouver for a week y/b/f was beyond excited.

"No" I say as I walk into the kitchen to grab something to eat and I hear her familiar evil laugh.

"Too late! You leave tomorrow morning at six, you're welcome" she says and before I could say something the line disconnects and I roll my eyes before going to my very small room to pack some clothes for this mini vacation.


As I board the plane I put my luggage on the top component and sit down next to the window, impatiently waiting for take off, I was ready to see my y/b/f. It was a good twenty minutes when we finally begin to take off and as we do, I felt a sense of déjà vu, I stare down at the state I had left and begin thinking, soon being pulled into a flashback.


I awoke to excitement in my stomach; it was the first day of  third grade! I had gotten dressed and without wanting to wake mommy I walk to the kitchen making myself breakfast but it was too late, mom was already cooking in the kitchen, smiling at my presence.

7:10 on the dot, the bus honked and my mom kissed my head than walked me where the small yellow vehicle was waiting for me.
"You don't let anyone tell you anything
y/n, you're a beautiful, smart girl"

"I know mommy" I say, she kisses my forehead and I rush to get on the bus, it was very horrific, kids screamed and threw stuff at each other. I quickly sat down as the bus began moving and sigh, I look over and see that I had sat next to a boy with short brown hair and brown eyes, I was about to say something until I felt a tug on my bow so I turned around and glared at the older kids behind me.

"Hey stop it!'' I said making them laugh.

"OR what you going to tell your slutty mom?" He teased and my eyes widen.

"Stop it Brady or else I'll tell your mom!" The boy next to me said and I give him a look of confusion, nobody had been nice to me in this town except my mom, they said my mom was a bad person and supposedly slept with everybody to make money because my dad left us making us poor.

"Thank you" I say softly and he gave me smile. "I'm y/n" I extended my hand hesitantly.

"Your welcome, I'm Jared!" He said proudly and we smile at each other.


"Ma'am, we've landed" the flight attendant said knocking me back into reality. I look around to see that I was the only person left on the aircraft, I give a small smile from embarrassment before grabbing my luggage and walking out, I try to kept my head down as I walk out the airport trying not to be noticed by paparazzi, which I doubt where here but who knew... 
If you hadn't already figured out, I was a small but famous actress. I've been doing little shows here and there but since I was getting a little more famous from my role as (your favorite character/ TV show..not supernatural) the paparazzi have been trying very hard to get some dirt on me. I wave down a yellow cab and quickly throw my luggage in before getting my body in.

"Where to miss?" The cab driver looking over his shoulder to look at my face, I look down at my phone and see the text message.

{I'll be late, work is hectic. Meet me at La Chafee}

"The La Chafee please" I say and he puts the car into drive.

Hey guys this is my first fanfic, I hope you guys enjoyed. Comment, like and follow

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