Chapter 1 I play 20 questions with a fan girl

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The chapters are short in the beginning, but they get longer.
Percy's Pov

I can't believe it! I'm was actually at the steps of Annabeth's highschool! I was wearing a green t-shirt and some jeans; I also had on a leather jacket.

I walked in, and all the conversation just stopped—did I have something on my face? It looks like the girls had too much sun because they were red, and they also had a blinking problem; they should probably get that checked out.

I was about to go to the office when I realized I don't know how to get there. I looked around. I wasn't sure what to do, so I just went up to the only girl that didn't have a sunburn or a problem with her eyes.  I tapped her on the shoulder, and I asked a question, "Hey, do you know where the office is?"

She turned around. She had long, dark brown hair that trailed almost down to her knees; it looked natural. She had hazel green eyes that looked to shift color in the light, and she was kind of pale.

"Sure, I was new a month ago, but I know where the office is, " She told me while she gave me a look like the hunters always do; the face that always says, 'I don't trust you, you're a boy.' She had a hint of an accent, similar to the way they talk in Boston, but not exactly as strong.

I noticed that her shirt said, 'applying for the hunters of Artemis,' I smiled and said as we walked, "So, you like Greek mythology?"

She looked a little shocked that I had asked. She then looked confused until she seemed to remember her shirt. She said, "Most people don't even know Chiron from Charon. Let alone what a hunter is."

"Well their completely different; one of them is the entrance keeper to the underworld, and the other is the trainer of heroes and demigods," I said this as though it was apparent, which, to a demigod, it was.

She looked at me like she just made a friend—even if it was a boy—she announced in a very eccentric way, bowing, hands flailing, "the name's Casey, what 'bout ya?"

She took a sip of water from a water bottle—that she just pulled out of her backpack—and I said, "My name is Percy Jackson."

She did a spit take. The water spewed out of her mouth and nose. People gave us odd looks as she started coughing.

I was trying to help, but she wouldn't have it. When she was done coughing, she said, "Sorry, there's a book I was readin', an there's this guy named Percy, an my friend said that her boyfriend was named Percy Jackson."

I was getting excited, "Really?! I have a girlfriend; her name is Annabeth Chase!" She looked like an idea hit her right in the face.

She pointed her hand in their air and declared, "20 questions!" I got the feeling it wasn't a question; it was more like an order.
"1: did ya live in New York?"

"Yep, how—, " I started.

She cut me off, "2: Do ya got dyslexia and ADHD?"

"Yeeesss...," I was baffled, but I knew she was just going to cut me off again, so I just stayed quiet.

"3: Do ya speak Greek?" I nodded; I was extremely creeped out by now. "4: Do ya go ta ah camp?"

"Ya?" 'How does she know this stuff?'

"5; Do ya got ah cousin named Thaila?"

"That's specific, but yes."

"6; do ya got ah cousin named Nico?"

"How do you know this stuff?!"

She ignored me again, "7; do ya got a pen in ya pocket?"

"Yes?" I said, getting ready for a fight with a monster.

She said, "Give me ya hand, this one I gotta check ya pulse." I didn't like it, but I did It Anyway.

(A/N, by the way, people can tell if you're lying if they can feel your heartbeat. It usually goes up if you're lying, so if you have their pulse, you can feel their heart beating and tell if they lied. That's how most lie detectors work; they feel your pulse and show your heartbeat on a screen)

She then asked, "have ya been turned into a Guinea pig?"

I said, "Noooooo!"

"Ha! ya lied, you lyin' lier! Your Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon! So, Percy Jackson, can I see Riptide?"

I gave up and took out riptide; she jumped up and down screaming and squealing—like an Aphrodite kid—then she said, "Come on, let's go we're at the office!"

She was right.

Percabeth at high schoolWhere stories live. Discover now