Chapter 18 you shoudn't act like puppies or destroy school property

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Merry Christmas party 3 merry Christmas

Percy's pov

When I drove up to Casey's house—yes I knocked over a couple trash cans, but lucky this car is unable to dent and we did pick up the trash cans—Annabeth said, "I'm driving! Oh my gods seaweed brain! I thought you would have learned how to drive by now!"

Casey hoped in the car, she was wearing red jeans and a black t-shirt with Red colored font that had a picture of a drawn Kaz Brekker on it with Kaz Brekker quotes.

Casey's hair was up in a ponytail and she was mumbling something about, "Kaz," and, "kill," and, "Van Eck," and, "don't you take Inej!"!and, "Kanej needs to happen!" and, "why won't my sister lend me Crooked Kingdom."

She looked around and then she said, "ok lets go...hold on your not letting him drive are you? because that's not good."

Annabeth said smirking, "no were switching." and we did.

We started driving and Casey said, "ohhhh Phineas and Ferb, I like your style, but I don't know if we can finish this episode and make it to school on time." (I was editing this and I literally have no clue what the heck this is about but ima gonna go with it!)

When we got to school Nico and Grover came running up to us and said, "gods of Olympus you won't believe this! the police heard about the party and there in the school. Their looking for the people who picked a pickle Pepper, or in other words the people that filled a room full of-"

"WHAT THEY HOW WH—HAH NO NOT GOOD—GOOD NOT THIS, SEE TEMP IS CASEY TALKING WHO LIKE!!!" (What they how wh hah no not good, this is not good, see now I'm taking like temp A/N not all people from the Gregor the Overlander series talk like that no just the 4 feet tall cockroaches)

She panicked each time she talked in apparently Temp I started laughing and she said, "LAUGH WHY OVERLANDER LAUGH WHY, OH QUOTING NOW CASEY BOOK FROM IS-" (why are you laughing percy why are you laughing, oh no I'm quoting from the book now)

She couldn't say anything else because Annabeth put her hand over Casey's mouth and said, "Casey breath it's ok don't worry you won't be arrested."

Then Nico said whining, "Annabeth! I wanted to see what she said next in cockroach." Casey's eyes lit up and she mumbled something really Long.

Annabeth took her hand off and said, "What?!"

Casey said, "I said! ya've read 'bout Gregor and boots and Luxa and Ripred and temp and tick oh that gives us a whole new thing to talk about. Oh that's awesome I was halfway through one of the books when here comes a plot twist and it was one A.M and I was like I don't need sleep I need Answers and—"

Annabeth shoved her hand over Casey's mouth and said, "lets go inside."

Annabeth did the one thing I've never seen her do, she shrieked back and started wiping her hand on, hilariously, Nico's shirt who was right next to her hand, "you licked me!"

There was disbelief and shock in her voice to, I was wondering why it was disbelieve and shock in her voice when that's something that Casey seems capable of.

"You actually licked my hand my hand?! Why would you do such a peculiar thing?!"

"Hey the rule is don't put you hand on someone's mouth they will either bite you or lick you," She said this with a matter of fact tone then she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm just saying."

I had to agree with her, if someone put there hand over my mouth and it wasn't so they could keep me quiet so they could keep me Alive, then I would licked or bite them it's like a defense mechanism."

Then Nico said, "she's right that is the rule—"

Annabeth said, "does it really matter let's go inside and for future reference don't ever lick me again it's not something I like."

I was feeling risky so I looked at Casey we nodded and then we reached forward and licked Annabeth on the cheek—me—and four head—Casey—like we were puppies and jumped out of the car sprinting to the next class were she couldn't kill us because of all the witnesses.

then I heard Annabeth Screaming behind us, "PERSEUS ACHILLES, CASEY JAE!" lucky we made it to the class on time. Sadly we forgot our books.

then Casey said, "psst, Percy!" I looked at her and she fiddled with a compartment in her desk she said, "I had a few detentions and I had my tools with me so I have something in case I forget my text book and I have an extra one for a friend."

She handed me her extra books and a peace of gum before saying, "don't tell anyone this is school property and I think it might be against the rules."

I chewed my gum and saw the lesson when the teacher was done we went to meet up with the group as Annabeth dragged us by our ears she as you can she was still mad at us and whilst Casey was saying, "oowwww!" and I was fine because off my Achilles heel I said, "so do you have compartments in all your desks or just that one."

She said, "oh I have them in owwww ow ow all of them why do you think I Owww oww lightly! please lightly! anyway oww had 12 detentions In Every class the first few weeks I was here I needed time, I'm no daughter of Hephaestus I can't just do it in one second and have it perfect ooowwwwww that hurt oww no it took time but lucky owww the teachers never stay for the whole detention all they do is lock you in owww now you know oww keep it to you sel-owww ow ow!"

We walked like this till we found our friends.

James said, "what did they do?" like he was an exasperated father.

Annabeth said, "they licked me," Annabeth let go to point were we licked her and when she said it, it made me think of Jane from Tarzan saying, "and daddy they took my boot!" well this was going to be one interesting day. (I don't know why but Jane always reminds me of me in that moment)

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