Chapter 3 we threaten a donkey

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A/n this chapter is dedicated to Upalisarkar for voting on the last chapters

Casey's pov, haha bet you didn't see that coming

Oh, my! Oh my! Oh, my OTP just walked in front of me! Okay, act natural Casey, don't die! Oh, my good lord, Annabeth, is seeing the mark of Athena! Oh, this might change the future.

"Uhm...why do you have our lives in all these books?" Percy asked, looking at me with his head tilted slightly.

I answered while moving in front of the HOO series, "well, my cousin sent my sista these books for me, she knows I got dyslexia, (a/n not Lies I have dyslexia and ADHD) So she sent a book series! An I just got that Rachel is in the books; oh, I was so peeved at her in the books for tryin' ta date Percy! I'm going to have ta talk to her! Ya know, some people need ah high-five in the face with ah chair made of steel by the Hulk. Example; perachel fans."

Annabeth gave me a High-five, and I was trying not to die of squealing. My best friend is probably my very favorite book character tied with Percy.

Annabeth's Pov

I gave her a high-five. I had the realization that she knows everything. "Casey," I said.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"Please don't tell anyone about how we're real."

She said, "I wasn't gonna tell anyone...But can I tell my sista? She'd die! she loves ya guys even moah (more) than I do!"

"Sorry, Case, but you can't tell Em," I said to her in a hushed tone.

She looked sad but also really understanding; she said, "Ok, it is the biggest secret in the whole wide world. Though she is Emily, so she'll probably find out."

Then the donkey himself came up to us. Matt Sloan.

Not Mark Sloan from Grays, Matt Sloan from the second book, The donkey Matt Sloan's pov sorry but you'll see why

I walked up to Annie, and she was talking to a boy that looked even better than me, and that made me mad.

I felt for some reason that I knew him from somewhere.

She was also talking to that short girl...Cassie, I think her name was, anyway I walked up to them and was about to say something to woo Annie when I got sucker punched, badly! I think my nose had broken!

It was bleeding all over my shirt, and when I looked to see who it was holding me up off the ground, I saw the little girl. She was looking like I killed her whole family, and she was out for revenge!

She screamed in my face, "if ya (ever) evah! Evah! Try ta brake my Percabeth apart again! I sweah (swear) I will throw ya in the rivah lithe! And before that, I will kick ya where it hurts! Then I'll take ya outta the rivah (river) lithe, and then I will take ya ta arachnids place, find a hole, then I will throw ya back inta (into) Tartarus like the scum ya arh! Ya, lucky it is me who is dealin' with ya cause if Percy or Annabeth dealt with ya, ya would be dead, de-add! 'Cause, they learned how ta punch someone so haawd (hard, but I sounded it out, and my accent makes it like odd with an 'h' an a 'w') that theyah (their) neck breaks! An! Yowah (yowah) even luckieah (luckier) I dow' (don't) hava (have a) swarm of fangirls come afda (after) ya! 'Cause ya dow't wauh (want) that! One press of a button, and I thousan' fangirls will be heah (here) and rip ya to shreds! we'll call it 'rise of the fangirls'."

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