King George X Reader X Seabird

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Just Great, A New School.

Oh what joy it is, having to leave your old school. The only reason you left was because you were made fun of you for being pan. You had to break up with your boyfriend, Jay. Now you had to go to a school called "Hamilton High".

It was 7:39, and you were slumped glumly on the floor, your music blasting through your headphones. Black bags hung under your eyes from all the restless night leading up to today. Miserable. That's how you felt all the time. You aren't very good at making friends because you have, what people call, a "Regina George" aura. Yeah you were mean, but if people actually took the time to befriend you they would see how nice and caring you are. You checked your watch again. 7:45.

A short dude was staring at you from his locker. He had black oily hair, had a tan complexion, and had a shaven face. His olive shirt stuck to his slim body. You yanked out one of your earbuds and told him

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He scoffed.

"As if I'd take a picture of a skank!" You looked down at your outfit. A thick (fave color) sweater, light washed blue jeans, and thick soled combat boots.

"How am I a skank?" He looked like he was about to say something, but then he shut his trap. He walked away.


    "Oh Great!" You thought. You pushed yourself off of the dirty floor and snatched out a sheet from your backpack. Math was your first period, sadly. Room 321. It took you no time to find. The teacher was hideous. She had greasy brown hair, and vampire white skin. You could see the blue veins beating under her thin layered skin. She looked like she dug her way out of a grave.

    She screeched in an annoying high pitched voice "Welcome back from winter break class! Let's welcome our new student Y/N! Please come up to the front of the class!" Your eye twitched as you drug your feet to the front of the class room.

    "Now, Y/N, tell us something about yourself!" A sigh left your mouth as you lazily looked at the class.

    "I draw." The teacher gripped her pencil.

    "Okay, what kinds of things do you draw." You smirked.

    "Naked people." The class broke down in hysterical laughter as the teacher turned bright red.

    "That's enough. Go sit down. Now." You swung your hips as you walked to your seat in the back next to some curly haired man. He was grinning widely at you and you thumped down into your seat.

     "My names Thomas, and If you want, I could be a model for you if you need someone to sketch." You looked him up and down, and scribbled your number on a piece of paper.

     "Okay, although I think someone else would rather see you naked instead." You gestured towards the same oily haired man who "talked" to you earlier. Thomas blushed, but he also looked extremely angry.

"Yeah yeah whatever." You looked at all the girls and boys in the class. To you, they all looked freaking hot. Especially two certain people. One had clean, but at the same time shaggy brown hair. He wore a sky blue polo that looked dull with his electric blue eyes. He wore long khaki pants and crisp black converse (I'm sorry I don't know what he would wear!). The other had long brownish hair tied up with a silky red ribbon, he wore a dark red knitted sweater, a loose black jumper, and (oddly) a pair of black flats. They both looked pretty dang cute. Your eyes lingered on them for a while. You watched as both the boys giggled to each other and passed notes.

*time skip because I said so*

    The bell had rung and you packed up your crap and speed-walked the heck outta there. Art was your next class. You looked around for the two cute boys, and saw that they were in the art room. Score! You plopped you stuff at their table and gave them a dashing smile. Both boys looked anxiously at you. You pulled out your thick black sketchbook and flipped to a blank page. They watched as you started drawing people. The boy in the knitted sweater gasped as he realized you were drawing people things. As you went along you made more defined features.

*ha another time skip*

    You finished your water color of the boys. You found yourself looking at their mouths which were agape, and their cheeks flooded with color.

    "E-excuse me" The blue eyed one stuttered out. You bite your lip and replied with

    "Yes.." His Adam's apple bobbed up and down (can that even happen?) You moved your seat to in between them. They quickly cover up their laps. You smirk and ask the,

    "What's your name?" The blue eyed one answers

    "George" and the other "Samuel"

    "Well bout we go to the bathroom to fix your...problem?"
Both boys shaked their heads yes, with a wild and eager look on their face.

*im not writing lemon*

    Both the boys left the bathroom. They were sweaty, and out of breath, while you were smirking, and licking your lips.

    Oh boy.
Was this school year gonna be great.

Was it any good? Sorry I'm not good at being flirty and crap.

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