John Laurens X Reader

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      John looked over at the calm ocean waves. He was on his way to France for vacation with his friend Lafayette. All he saw for miles was the ocean. The hot sun was beating down on his head. Lafayette was busy guiding the boat at the front of the ship. John was at the back end which was only closed off by two gates which were latched together.

He gazed over at the ocean. A small splash near the boat caught his eye. Two (eye color) eye's were looking at him, slightly confused. John backed away from the gates, still keeping his eye's glued on the others.

      The figure in the water slowly made its way to the gate.

      "You aren't Lafayette." The figure said, only pulling their face up enough to where their mouth was showing. John didn't know for sure if they were a her, she, or other genders or no gender.

      "No, I'm John Laurens, Lafayette's best friend." The figure pulled themselves up by the gates and unlatched them.

      "My name is Y/N. Use she/her pronouns." She pulled herself up onto the boat. Her wet hair shined brilliantly against the beating sun. Her breast (whatever size they may be) hung out in the open, and her (favorite color) tail glittered brightly.

"Lafayette! Come back here, you have a visiter!" He heard the sounds of muffled foot steps before Lafayette emerged.

"Bonjour Y/N! How have you been? (I'm not going to use Google translator, okay).

"I'm good, Lafayette. Can I hitch a ride with you to France? I would swim but I'm lazy." Lafayette grinned and laughed.

      "Sure! Right now I'm taking a break, and chilling. You can hang with John if you want."

      "Yeah that's fine." John smiled and Lafayette went back to the front of the ship.

      "Is it fun being a mermaid?"

       "I guess?"

      "Are you married? Do you have any kids? How do mermaids give birth? Do they have periods?"

      "Oh my god you talk a lot. Yes, I'm married. His name is Thomas Jefferson, no I don't have any kids. They cut open your stomach and pull the baby out, and yes, mermaids do get periods."

      "Is Thomas a merman?"

      "No, actually. He's a human, but we love each other anyways!"

      "Awww that's sweet! How'd you guys meet?"

      "He was at a dock in France with Lafayette. Laf and I have been good friends since childhood. He introduced me to Thomas and over time we fell in love." Y/N sighed dreamily.

      "Is that why you need a ride to France?"

      "Yeah. I was visiting my family. My mom Martha wanted me to come back and visit."

     "Cool, but can you grow human legs to walk? Or is that just in the movies?"

      "Oh I can, it just hurts so I choose not too until I get to France."

      "Can you-"

      "John, you need to learn to stop talking so much!"

      "My boyfriend says the same thing!"

      "What's his name?"


      "Oh yeah! Laf's told me about you guys. He says he's got a ship name for you!"

      "Wait, what! What is it?"

      "Something along the line of lams."

     "Oh wow."


      John touched the locket on his heart. When he opened it, it revealed a picture of John and Alex kissing under a cherry blossom tree. Hercules had caught them having their first kiss together and took a sneaky photo of it.

      He missed Alex, and wished he had agreed to come on the trip with them. But no. He was too busy writing a stupid paper for his professor, Angelica Schuyler.

      They traveled for four more hours before landing in a dock in France. He watched as Y/N contorted her face in immense pain from changing her tail into two legs.

      "Do you have some clothes I can borrow?" She gave a wimpy smile.

      "Yeah." He scavenged his bag and pulled out a tacky Hawaiian button up, boxers, cargo pants, and flip flops.

      "Thanks mate!" Y/N put the clothes on just in time. Her husband Thomas was running up the dock, ready to kiss his dear wife.

      "Oh Y/N! How I've missed you!" He pecked his wife quickly on the lips before holding her in his embrace.

      "I love you, Thomas!"

      "I love you too, Y/N." The couple kissed again while John and Lafayette awed.

      "I totally ship them!" John whispered to Lafayette.

      "Same!" Laf whispered back.

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