Chapter 14: Medication

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Chapter 14


I got in trouble… of course, once I explained further, my dad relaxed a bit more. He’s happy that I actually have friends… or new ones. I could tell that he slowly started to dislike Christy and Julie as time went on and they changed. He saw the change before I even did, I guess. When I explained about how I had to stay an extra two hours to help clean up, and about Ali’s mom and her cancer, he softened a lot more. He was proud of me. Of course, any sane person would do what I did.


Sunday morning I took my first pill. I also had another appointment with Dr. Allen. We talked a bit about Ali’s mom, then more of my mom, then more of my life. I don’t like going into details with her.

                When I got home I was surprised to see Ali and Cora parked across from my house.

                “Hey, guys,” I said, getting out of the car with my dad.

                “Hey, Quinn,” Ali said with a small smile. “Hello Mr. Heart.”

                My dad gave them a smile and a ‘Hello’ before he headed into the house. I turned to them. “I hope you guys weren’t waiting long…”

                “Only for about ten minutes,” Cora answered with a shrug.

                “I just wanted to thank you for cleaning up and stuff after I had to take my mom to the hospital,” Ali said.

                I awkwardly nodded, “It wasn’t a problem at all. I really hope your mom gets better.”

                Ali nodded and said, “My mom was a bit embarrassed that that had to be your first impression of her.”

                I waved my hand in the air and shrugged, “She seemed wonderful even when she was going through everything. Is she better now?”

                “Yeah she got some medication to help her.”

                “That’s really good.”

                Ali smiled at me and I decided it would be most polite to invite them in.

                “You can come inside if you want,” I said, awkwardly.

                I blushed, looking over at my small crappy house, the dead plants, peeling paint, and ugly decorations.

                “Sure,” Cora agreed.

                I lead them into the house and I decided to avoid my dad and go straight to my room. The first thing I noticed was my bottle of pills still sitting on my nightstand. Of course they noticed too, but being polite as they were, they didn’t go over and look at the label, or even ask about it.

                “Where were you today then?” Cora asked me.

                I knew that I should tell them. Everything. I just didn’t know how to. Doubts were clouding my mind, telling me not to tell them anything. I didn’t want them to know how messed up I am. It might scare them away. Christy and Julie hadn’t reacted the best when they found out about my mom. But maybe I could leave that part out. I could only tell them about my depression…. Right?

                Ali let out the truth about her mom, though. Why not let the truth out about me.

                “I had a meeting with my psychiatrist. I meet with her twice a week because I have depression,” I said it all at once, wanting to get it over with.

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