Moving in

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After being together for just over a year a couple of months ago, you and Conor had decided to take the big step in your relationship and move in together.
Three weeks ago you found the perfect flat that you both loved and last week you received the keys allowing you to move in.

Although Conor had advised against it you'd decided that you wanted to buy the majority of your furniture from Ikea and now you understood why Conor was so reserved about the idea. Firstly, navigating around the shop was a nightmare and now building the furniture was proving an even bigger nightmare.

The flat was filled with boxes of flat pack furniture you were yet to build, so currently all you had was a bed and sofa which Conor had insisted came from somewhere else. To make things even better you'd later found out that you were terrible at building flat pack furniture, so you were currently left unpacking boxes in the kitchen while Conor was in the bedroom attempting to build a chest of drawers.

"For fuck sake," you heard Conor groan from the other room making you laugh. "YN, come here a minute," you heard him yell.

Walking into the bedroom you had to stifle a laugh at the sight of him sat in the middle of a pile of wood of screws.

"Do you need some help Con?" You asked, carefully walking towards him so you didn't step on anything. When you got to him you sat yourself in his lap and snuggled into his warm body, causing him to wrap his arms around you in response.

"Please," he groaned. "Why did Joe choose this week to go on holiday? He's the only one who's actually capable of building furniture out of all of us."
"Stop being so negative Maynard. Me and you are going to build this fucking thing no matter how long it takes us," you told him sounding more confident than you actually felt about this.

Conor wrapped his arms around your waist tighter and buried his face in the crook of your neck, "or we could just forget about it and stay here cuddling," he mumbled into your neck.

"Nope," you told him firmly while pulling away, "come on Con, we are building this fucking thing even if it's the last thing we do" Conor groaned again but allowed you to pull him up anyway.


5 hours later and you'd finished making the chest of drawers and you'd even assembled the table, although it still had no chairs built.

There had been a few bumps along the road, such as you dropping a big panel of wood on Conor's foot. But on well, as they always say - no pain, no gain.

You were sat on the sofa with a half empty glass of wine, cuddling a very sleepy Conor.

The doorbell suddenly ringing to signify that the pizza delivery had finally arrived broke Conor from his sleepy daze, he tried to get up but you pushed bum back down and kissed his cheek, "I'll get it babe."
When you returned back to the sofa a few minutes later you found Conor had already fallen asleep. You set the pizza down on the floor in front of you and gently shook Conor to wake him up.

"Hmmm," he mumbled still half asleep.

"I've got the pizza sleepyhead"

"Y/N, I just want to sleep," he moaned like a small child.

"We can go to bed after the pizza, deal?" You tried to begin with him.

"Deal," he grumbled reaching out to pull you into the sofa next to him.
While eating your pizza you thought about how amazing the last year with Conor had been. Every moment spent with him felt like life couldn't get any better, until you met Conor you didn't realise how much happiness you could get from someone's laugh or smile yet now you couldn't go a day without feeling the warmth that spread through you when Conor smiled or laughed and now you got to see that every day.

You could already tell that moving in with Conor was the second-best decision you'd ever made. The first of course being going on that night out with your friends and letting Conor buy you that drink.

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