The first day

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It was currently three in the morning and once again Conor was awake, his insomnia making it impossible to get a decent night's sleep. He looked down to see you, peacefully sleeping with your arm carelessly slung across his waist and your head resting comfortably on his chest. He laughed quietly as you started to mumble incoherent words in your sleep.

He gently ran his fingers through your hair and tightened the grip on your body to keep you as close as possible. Conor had always believed that you were way out of his league but in all honesty it was the other way around, he was sweet, caring, handsome, humble and anything you could ever want in a man. You started dated when you were both teenagers and his singing career was only just kicking off and to this day you were still curious as to why he chose you out of all the possible girls he could've had.

Although from the first day you spent with Conor you knew that there was something different about him, something that just felt right with him. It felt like just last week it happened although it was actually nearly three years ago.


It was currently the middle of summer and you were home alone as your older brother, Mikey, had gone out with your parents. You heard someone knock the door and opened it to see Conor, one of Mikey's best friends, stood there looking frantic.

"Oh, um hi Y/N, is Mikey in by any chance," he asked desperately, his eyes searching the room behind you for any sign of him.

"He's gone out sorry," you replied while admiring his shining blue eyes that looked slightly panicked.

"Shit," he muttered in response.

"Anything I can do to help?"

"N- actually yes, I accidently let my sisters kitten out of the carrier and now I can't find it, I really need help to find it. I know you don't really know me so I promise I'm not some pervert that will kidnap you, I just really need help. Anna will be so upset if she gets home and it's-" his cute rambling was cute off by you laughing at him.

"Of course I'll help, let me go get some shoes," you told him earning the most sincere and cute smile you'd ever seen.


"Did you hear that?" you asked covering his mouth with your hand to shut him up.

"Hear what?" he mumbled, the sound obscured by your hand.

"Shut up, wait there it is again," you looked around trying to figure out where the small meowing sound was coming from.

A few minutes later you located the small cat and once you were both sure it was somewhere there was no chance Conor could accidently lose it again Conor pulled you into a bone crushing hug, one that felt like it should hurt but instead felt comforting and safe.

"You are a lifesaver," he said pulling away to look at you, he then proceeded to place kisses all over your cheeks and forehead making you giggle.

"Conor, stop it," you laughed and he obliged, pulling you back into a hug instead.

"You know, you smell a lot better than your brother does. Maybe you should educate him on where the shower is located in your house," he whispered into your ear.

You laughed at him again, "I'll do that for you"

"You're also a lot more attractive" he whispered again and rubbed his nose against the side of your neck. A light blush appeared on your cheeks and the butterflies in your tummy went into overdrive.

You didn't reply to him afraid that you'd make of fool of yourself so instead wrapped your arms around him tighter. You felt odd standing in a tight embrace with someone who never really spoken to until today yet it felt so right.

He was the perfect height for your head to rest in the crook of his neck and his grip on your body felt familiar, like it was meant to be.

You spent the rest of the day with Conor, lounging in the sun on his mini balcony while getting to know each other. You were so engrossed in Conor that you'd only just noticed that the sun was starting to go down.

"I should probably head home," you told Conor and he groaned in response, grabbing onto you to prevent you leaving.

"I'll let you go on one condition," he stated staring onto your eyes.

"What's that?"

"You let me take you out on the weekend,"

Your heart rate sped up and it took everything you had to keep your cool in that moment, "sure," you told him with a sweet smile.

"Come on then, I'll walk you home," he grinned at you and held his hand out to help you up.

When he left you on your doorstep that night with a soft kiss on the cheek you knew he'd already earned a small part of your heart and it wouldn't take long for him to gain the rest of it.

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