Calendar greed

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You groaned staring at the boot full of Christmas presents that were in front of you, admittedly you'd gone a bit overboard and the list that had been made had definitely been abandoned. It was only now that you were wondering how you were going to take all of this up to yours and Conor's apartment that you started to regret it.

After deciding that it would be impossible to carry it all yourself you pulled your phone from your pocket and called Conor, hopeful that you could recruit him to carry some of the bags.

Stepping inside you dropped your 10 bags to the floor sighing with relief that none of your 10 fingers had completely lost circulation while carry so many bags, moments later Conor walked through the door replicating your actions while grumbling about how much you'd bought.


Once you'd finally moved all of the bags from the hallway you searched the apartment to locate Conor, finally finding him in the kitchen you smiled to see him with two freshly made cups of tea sat on the worktop.

When he noticed your presence in the room he smiled brightly at you before his face fell, "I, uh, I have a confession."

"What is it?" you asked concerned by his sudden change of mood.

"I may have accidentally finished my advent calendar."

"What do you mean you've already finished your advent calendar?" you asked exasperated by the man with a guilty face that stood in front of you.

"Well, I was sat in my office and I got a bit hungry so when I spotted that I couldn't help myself," he explained sheepishly.

"Conor," you groaned in disbelief, "It's only the third of December!"

"I'm sorry baby, please forgive me," he flashed you his famous puppy dog eyes, the ones that he knew you couldn't resist – especially when he got his adorable pout out too.

"It's fine, I'll just buy you a new one," you sighed and opened your arms, indicating that you wanted him to hold you.

As soon as his warm arms wrapped around you, you melted against his body. He was the only thing you needed in order to relax and after the stressful day, you'd had amongst other Christmas shoppers you definitely needed to relax.

"I love you," he whispered into your hair, kissing the top of your head.

"I love you too, even though you ate your whole advent calendar because you were too lazy to walk 10 foot to the fridge."

Conor Maynard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now