Don't yell at me

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Requested by anon - Number 85 "Don't yell at me," and 71 "Please just don't,"

"Jesus Y/N, what do you want me to do? I can't help it, it's my job," Conor shouted at you, he'd come home an hour ago and informed you that he had to go on a 2-month promotion trip around Europe. What had started as a calm discussion had soon turned into an argument, you'd been exchanging petty comments for the last 10 minutes and you were slowly nearing the end of your tether, you were too tired and emotional to do this right now.

"Don't yell at me," you mumbled in response, looking down at the floor and watching his feet pace back and forth indicating to you that he was becoming agitated.

"So, it's okay for you to yell at me but the minute I do it it's wrong? Typical."

And that's when you said it, the words slipped out of your mouth before you could think them through and you knew as soon as you said it that you'd taken it too far. It was no longer just trading petty comments, you were now playing on his insecurities and it was something that you instantly regretted.

Ever since you'd started dating Conor you knew that he was insecure about certain things, the main thing being his brother. People were well aware that Jack was always compared to Conor, his success, his personality, his choice in girls, but what people didn't know was that Conor was often compared to Jack as well. Jack was often deemed the more attractive brother and Conor had a fair few girls that were sure to remind him of this, one of them being his ex-girlfriend. Since then he'd had the thought implanted in his head that people would rather date Jack, that's why you knew telling him that maybe you'd picked the wrong Maynard brother was a huge mistake – sure you wanted to hurt him in the heat of the moment but there's hurting someone and then there's saying something that could possibly break them.

You knew that you'd hurt him, his feet stopped moving and when you looked up at him his eyes showed a look of betrayal. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it," you told him softly and took a step towards him but he instantly moved backwards until he was stopped by the wall.

"Please just don't," he breathed out. He slumped down the wall and sat on the floor, covering his face with his hands. His breathing was laboured and you could tell that he was crying.

"Conor," you sighed sitting yourself next to him on the floor but got no response. "Conor baby, come on look at me," you once again got no response so instead pried his hands away from his face and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at you.

You were met with broken, bloodshot eyes and a tear stained face. You brushed a tear away that fell down his face and lightly caressed his cheek. You pulled his body to yours and held his head to your shoulder as he sobbed, his body shook and you held him tightly as you whispered reassuring words to him about how you loved him and didn't mean what you said.

Eventually he started to calm down, his arms wrapped around you and he clung to your body. You heard him mumble an "I love you too," and you sighed in relief.

"I love you so much Conor, so much," you whispered into his ear.

Conor Maynard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now