Chapter Seven

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The faint light of morning had not even peaked over the above cliff but I was awake and ready to depart; as were the rest of the company. There was no celebration or grand exodus with our parting, only a few had stirred to see us off. Lord Elrond spoke farewell words to us, wishing a safe voyage and that our mission is successful. As the rest of my party slowly started making their way from Rivendell I turned for what would hopefully not be my last words to the elf that had been a father to me.

"I shall miss you Father," I again wrapped my front paw around his torso as we embraced in my parting. "I will do everything in my power to keep them safe."

"I have every confidence in you my child," Looking up at me Lord Elrond, slightly bowed his head, and then proceeded to take a step back. "Do not get lost in the darkness along your journey. It will surely try to detour you from your path and please...come back to me."

Nodding my head I turned towards my companions and, with one last look at Lord Elrond, jogged to catch up which little to my surprise took only the briefest of minutes. Gandalf was apparently speaking about which would be the fastest path for our journey. "The valleys near the mountains will provide shelter from unwanted eyes and enough food to sustain ourselves. We will be to have plenty in store for our crossing at Cardhras Pass." Boromir and Aragon both startled at his choice. "Cardhras Pass? Why not avoid crossing such danger and go around, crossing at Isen?" Aragon nodded at Boromir's proposal but added his own thoughts as well. "The route you suggest is too long and crosses into more establish towns then needed. We must remain veiled as much as possible, as too not attracted any unwanted attention. For indeed our company is rather strange." Aragon gave a small smile at all of us before continuing, "Crossing at Mountain Pass would be easier, the way is broad and clearly defined. If we must stay close to the mountain this would be a fair choice." Boromir seemed apprehensive of Aragon's strategy and after a silent thought was swayed to agree as did most of the party. Gandalf and I though had already decided against such a well-traveled route. "Yes Mountain pass is readily more accessible, however, the same logic applies here as to Boromir's idea. The pass is too closely watched, it would be an expected route to take when traveling to Mordor. Therefore we must choose lesser paths: Cardhras Pass above the mountain or Moria below. Although I'd favor being above the mountain then beneath it." Gimli inclined his head towards me as I mentioned Moria and Gandalf was quick to rebuttal, "We will not take the path through Moria. Cardhras will be safe enough and there will be no need to travel so deep into the earth." He continued forward with a huff of breath, "You know what lurks in those shadows Firron. Your Bloodkin of Shadows will not part with you easily; I fear that a path through Moria is a path of death for us." I knew, of course I knew, but that would be a safe enough path away from the outside eyes. If that path came before us, then we would pray that the Shadow sleeps deeply. A lighter conversation followed with us as we trekked onward, many snacked while walking and only once did we stop briefly to readjust supplies. The afternoon sun was slowly descending towards its sleep as we finally stopped at the clear mountain stream to refill our cask and take a small break. I was surprised at how well everyone was traveling, no complaint from the smaller hobbits about our pace and the same from the longer legged pack members. My legs however were itching for a good run, or even the faster walking gate they were used to. Trying to appease them I had jumped on or across any rocks, tree limbs or rivers we came upon, but that did little to settle the tightness of their unused strength. While the rest of the party stopped, I began pacing near Legolas, as he was almost done refilling his cask.

"You look uneasy." His voice was soft as if he was talking to a cornered animal. I chose to ignore his comment and do something about this annoyance in my legs.

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