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Dex woke up with a start. Fitz had decided to choose an action movie and a skyscraper had just blown up. A super-sized green villain with bulging green muscles wrecked havoc upon the city. His friends, dressed in even more comical suits, helped him in various ways. (Shooting at gods, collapsing MORE buildings, etc.)

He was snuggled in the crook of Fitz's arm and he felt his hand on the small of his back. Dex felt surprisingly safe, especially considering that he was hanging out with the dreaded Wonderboy. Alone... It was a surprise they hadn't murdered each other yet. There was always this strange tension between them, and Dex couldn't stand it.

The movie ended and Dex heard Biana and Tam finally arrive. He gave a feeble greeting as they entered the room. He was too tired to even say hello properly. He fell asleep.


Dex woke up in the morning both shocked, horrified, and ashamed. No, it wasn't because he hadn't changed into his pajamas. And no, it wasn't because when he woke up he was still snuggled next to Fitz. (Though that did make him blush and he refused to admit why)

It was because, he had FORGOTTEN TO BRUSH HIS TEETH! In all of his thirteen years on the planet earth, (aside from when he was being kidnapped and tortured), he had never, not ONCE forgotten to brush his teeth before he went to bed.

He had carefully watched and perfected the art, moving the toothbrush side to side with just the right pace. He had spent WEEKS working on a toothbrush that had the right tension in the bristles and wouldn't wear out. He prided in having the most minty breath in all of Eternalia.

And now? Now? Now he was a failure. His life had no purpose. Tears streamed down Dex's face as he sobbed into his pillow. He supposed that the sugars he ate last night were already at work. Slowly eating away at his perfect, pearly white teeth.

Nothing would ever be the same again.

Dex stared at the ceiling and it was almost as if the world had lost its color. Nothing, nothing really mattered now. What was the purpose? Of anything? After all, we all lived to die...eventually. I mean, no elf had died of old age but...it was a nice quote anyway.

Suddenly, Dex struck upon a goldmine of inspiration. Leaving the warmth of Fitz, he crawled over to his bag and pulled out Rover. Then, typing the most original and meaningful words, Dex wrote a poem. No. A masterpiece. 

Friend has the word end

Lie is in believe

Lover is over except there's a L in front

And God has a letter that is also in death

Some people say garlic bread is forever

But even that...eventually...goes moldy

Satisfied with his work, Dex made a mental note to frame and hang this up later. Suddenly he heard movement from behind. Whipping around like a jackrabbit on it's tenth cup of coffee, Dex put his fists up and prepared for a brutal battle to the death.

Unfortunately, it was just Fitz. And even though his hair was rumpled and his face on one side was slightly flat-he still looked cute. Hoe, why you so perfect? Dex wondered. I must just be the first elf that needs glasses...ever.

Satisfied with his logical conclusion, Dex returned to the void. He couldn't feel anything anymore. No anger, no sadness, no embarrassment. He felt nothi-

"What's wrong?" Fitz asked, looking slightly concerned.

"It's nothing..." Dex lied, looking away. The sun was too bright to look at.

Fitz held his Mr. Snuggles closer. "It's not nothing," He said. "Please...tell me..."

Dex looked up at Fitz. Perfect, gorgeous, awful Fitz.

"Oh Fitz," Dex breathed, "I made a mistake,"

Fitz leaned in trying to get closer to the juicy new gossip that Dex was holding just out of his reach. "Yeessss?"

"I-" Dex took a deep breath "-Iforgottobrushmyteethlastnightandnowmylifeisover,"

Fitz's trademarked bewildered expression crossed his face again. But, being the ever supporting b-friend, he frowned sympathetically and patted Dex's shoulder. "I'm sure it will get better soon!"


The awkward tension was back and Dex made an excuse to leave ten minutes later. Why was like this?


Months had passed and Dex still couldn't get over this weird feeling he had about Fitz...He couldn't describe it. It was almost like he was allergic around him. His chest closed up so much that he could hardly breath, and sometimes when Fitz looked at him he could hardly stand. And he always had this strange tingling on the back of his neck. Dex was even more self conscious than usual around Fitz, always checking to make sure that everything he did was Ok.

Trying to stop the weirdness, Dex ended up spending more time with Sophie. She was smart, kind, and beautiful. Whoever ended up with her would be the luckiest elf in the whole world.

He even tried to replicate the feelings he felt around with Fitz with Sophie. Whenever she laughed, he would grin-as if his whole world was lit up for a moment. Whenever she talked, Dex would force his eyes to flicker to her soft pink lips for a few seconds.

And whenever possible, he tried to convince himself that the feelings he felt about Fitz were fake. That they were misdirected at him instead of at Sophie. After all, the only reason he and Fitz were friends was because of Sophie. And literally any time they hung out, Sophie was with them too.

Dex's plan worked. Almost everyone thought he had a crush on Sophie. Sometimes even he thought he did. But...Something was missing. These feelings he felt weren't real.

Sure, Dex loved Sophie. She was the greatest best friend anyone could have (even if he was ignored for whole chapters of her life). In truth though? Dex knew deep down that he would not ever feel that way about Sophie.

He couldn't even admit it to himself, but whenever he imagined going on his first date, having his first kiss, cuddling with his partner during a Harry Potter marathon... It was always with Fitz.

Dex took a deep breathe as he finally accepted the truth. And honestly? It felt like the weight of the world had been taken of his shoulders. He took a deep breath and smiled for the first time in forever.

AN: yeeeaahhh booiiiiiii sifuhs.hfuhrhfhfhjfrhj *tired* GUESS WHAT I'M GOING TO UPDATE ONCE A WEEK OK? ISN'T THAT GREAT? AREN'T YOU QUIVERING IN ANTICIPATION???????????????????

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