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Arthur made his way up to the throne room, stomach rumbling (he had not eaten that day, except for a small apple in the morning), already dreading the near certain lecture he would have to endure and the promises he would have to make to his father - promises he would no doubt end up breaking some time or another.

The guards outside appeared relieved to see him, and moved aside so that their prince could enter. Arthur steeled his nerves and walked in.

Uther had been in some kind of meeting with the court genealogist and librarian, Geoffrey, but as soon as he saw Arthur he dismissed the old man, who half walked, half scurried away. It appeared that the King was not in a good mood.


"Father." Arthur took a deep breath before continuing. "As you can see, I have returned."

"Indeed. And may I ask, where you have been?" His tone was firm and full of anger. The prince would have to step carefully if he wished to avoid getting burnt.

"Well you see father, my servant, Merlin had gone missing after going to the forest and I--"

"You're telling me that you left Camelot, at dawn, with no warning whatsoever, cancelling a hunting trip and a training session to look for a mere servant?" A sudden chill filled the room, causing Arthur's hair to stand on its ends.

"Yes, I did. But--"


"I honestly do not see what the problem is. After all, I told Sir Leon where I was going and I wasn't even gone for a whole day so--"

"AND YOU THINK THAT'S ACCEPTABLE?" Uther Pendragon roared and the entire hall seemed to shake, echoing the shout back at Arthur. Needless to say, the King of Camelot was not finished.

"As much as you care about your servant, he's just a servant! You're the crown prince! I can't allow you to be going on stupid trips running after some idiot--"

Many thoughts were going through Arthur's mind at that point: arguments, retorts, remarks - all of which would be sure to stoke the flame of his father's rage. He kept silent.

"He can't possibly be so idiotic to get lost so easily! I don't know why you even bother with such things--"

He wanted to explain to his father. Wanted to tell him how many times Merlin had saved his life. Wanted to tell him how much he cared for his servant, the... feelings he had for him. But he would not understand.

"And I can hardly explain the effect this could have on our knights, seeing their leader disregard the King so easily-- Arthur? Are you listening?"

"Yes father, of course I am," he answered politely, keeping his gaze low.

"Do not disobey me again like this." The King's tone was final.

"Yes father. I shan't."

Arthur made his escape from the throne room, grateful to be away from his father. As much as he loved him, there were certain subjects they didn't exactly see eye to eye on.

Now, Arthur thought to himself, I'll need to have a bath so I'm not filthy, and a fresh change of clothes would be handy and then--

Ah yes. No Merlin.

He sighed, exasperated. I suppose I'll have to get some other servant to prepare my bath for me - or, he grimaced as he thought to himself, I'll have to do it myself.  That was something he was not prepared to do, under any circumstances.

Despite appearances, the prince really did care for the people around him. Especially Merlin. Ever since he confronted him in the courtyard, Arthur knew there was something different about him. Well, at first he thought he was a pillock looking for a beating (and he still didn't think he was entirely wrong), but deep down, he knew. It was in his eyes, his piercing blue eyes. They were the colour of the stormy sea and the placid night sky at the same time, which was a fact Arthur had always found intriguing.

The truth was, he felt - dare he say it - lonely without Merlin by his side, without the knowledge he was somewhere in the castle, bustling around, doing his chores or whatever it is servants do in their spare time.

Utterly absorbed in his own thoughts, the numerous individuals passing him in the hallways might have remarked that he looked vacant, absent-minded - some might have even chanced to say that he appeared love struck. The man in question, however, was unaware of this, thinking of nothing but of his manservant as he made his way to his chambers - his manservant and his beautiful blue eyes.

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