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Arthur paced Gaius' chamber, thinking, thinking, thinking what he could possibly do to save his manservant.

The physician had explained the situation to him, had explained the fact that Merlin had to be kissed by his true love in order to recover, or whatever the hell that meant-- He also told him they'd tried some people and failed, but had refused to say who exactly, which wasn't exactly useful to the prince.

He didn't need Gaius to tell him that Merlin wouldn't last much longer than morning. Yet still, he and Gwen tended to him, trying to ease the young man's suffering as his breath grew more and more shallow. Arthur too, had been sick with worry, and it was showing: the black eyebags, the missed sword fighting practises, the sudden lack of appetite... His father would no doubt punish him for missing practise, but that was the least of his concerns.

When he had had enough of pacing, he sat himself down on a stool by Merlin's bedside, Gaius shuffling slightly to make room.

"My lord, would you not prefer to retire to your chamber?" He inquired. "I fear it's going to be a long night--"

"No Gaius, I'm fine here. Besides," he said, "if he's going to die I... I want to see him through. To the end."

The physician nodded in understanding and turned back to the dying young man. Death already lay upon him, scythe in hand, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and out of desperation the old man started to mutter some prayers - to a god he wasn't completely sure he believed in.

Arthur simply sat and watched, in complete silence, as slowly but surely the life drained out of his companion, turning his skin near translucent, until he could stand it no more.

"Out. Now." was all he said.


"Leave. Please. I... I want some time alone with him." His voice was starting to break. Arthur didn't have much will left in him.

Gaius sensed this, and beckoned to Guinevere to leave. They walked out the door hurriedly, into the cold corridor, closing the door behind them as gently as they could.

The two men were all alone now.

Away from others, welled up tears started to fall down Arthur's face, dripping down from his chin onto his muddy red tunic, turning the fabric crimson, the colour of blood.

He reached out, hesitantly at first, not quite aware of what he was doing, and placed his palm on Merlin's cold face. Slowly, swallowing back sobs, he stroked his manservant's cheek before laying his head down on his chest, trying to find his heartbeat. A wave of reasurance flooded over him. It was faint, but his pulse was still there. He was still alive.

"Merlin," he whispered, "it's alright. You can wake up now. Jokes over."

No reply.

"C'mon, you can't die on me yet... There's still so much we have to do..." There was no stopping the tears at this point, although Arthur had to restrain himself to stop his cries.

"So many more pairs of boots you need to polish, so much more chainmail to clean..." He couldn't stop himself from smiling slightly, in between the snivelling and the sobbing, "C'mon Merlin. I-I promise I'll throw less vases at you, if that's what you really want..."

The sleeping boy didn't so much as stir, and Arthur felt his heartbeat weaken. He couldn't remember the last time he had cried so much; it must have been when he was a child.

"Wake up you idiot, for God's sake wake up! How long are you going to sleep for, Merlin?! You've avoided your duties for too long you--" but his voice failed him before he could finish the sentence, and he was left speechless, save for the sobs that racked his body.

This was the end. It really was. And the funny thing? The prince hadn't realised just how much he cared for his servant - never before had he truly realised the depth of emotions he felt towards him, and now there was no way to tell him.

Out of nowhere, a sudden thought hit him. A thought so ludicrous and bound to failure it stopped the tears from flowing, an idea so stupid and pointless, he felt ashamed to have even considered it--

But it was worth a shot.

After all, he would do many things to save Merlin.

Many, many things.

Even kissing him.

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