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August 23,1777

Your POV

The floor boards creaked as I slowly but surely made my way towards the front door. Ever since the Revolutionary War started, I never imagined myself joining. But it was my only choice. Of course, it would be challenging to have the strength and nobility to prove myself an honorable soldier on the front lines. But actually gaining acceptance was the first and probably most challenging step of all. Especially for me, a woman.

I concealed my head with the hood of my cloak as I looked behind me, trying to remember all I could about the place I once called home. I put the letter written by General George Washington in my satchel, and prepared to depart form this horrid place.

I shut the door behind me, slowly and quietly until it closed with a click. I sighed in relief as I took off towards the stables, thanking God I thought it best not to wear a corset on my long journey. I went inside the stables and hopped on my horse, Sam. I grew up with Sam. In the beginning he was stubborn, and so was I. But, we eventually got used to each other. When I mounted him, he was startled at first, but quickly obliged. I gently nudged him, signaling him to go.

The encampment that I was to meet the General at was in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. Which was one hundred and fifty miles away from my home in Staten Island, New York. I was to meet General Washington on the military grounds to discuss my interest and placement in the Continental Army, as said in the letter he wrote back to me. In my initial letter, however, I did not specify my gender. It would take around two days to reach the camp.

I rode off in the night, kissing this place goodbye.

2 days later

As I approached the camp, I could see the flickers of flames from the fire pits that the soldiers set up. The fires burned brightly, standing out like a red tulip in a field of white ones. I could see the soldiers lingering over the fires, eager for warmth. I pulled back on the reins and Sam slowed down as I approached a man in a blue coat with a hat on. He looked up briefly, and couldn't find the feminine features on my face in the darkness of the night for he addressed me as if I were a man.

"Hello sir," He said in the most apathetic voice.

"It's actually miss," I said. He narrowed his eyes and looked at me closer. I felt a bit uncomfortable under his gaze. I cleared my throat.

"And, uh, I'm here to discuss my placement here with General Washington," I said, fully regaining my confidence. He had a skeptical look on his face.

"As a medic?" He questioned.

"No, sir, as a soldier." He looked at me, puzzled, but then suddenly erupted with laughter. I looked at him, slightly disgusted and puzzled by his outburst.

"You? A soldier? I didn't know His Excellency was that foolish." Anger started to rise within me, but I kept a composed manner.

"And why do you think I am not capable of fighting in the war?" I asked. He scoffed, "You're just a woman." I kept a stoical position.

"And you're just a man."

With that, I rode past him. I decided that I was fully capable of finding my own way around camp and His Excellency myself.

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