l'ensemble révolutionnaire

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Your POV

August 26, 1777

I woke up to hear distant voices in the tent and a pounding headache. I groaned loudly, and the whispered voices stopped. I turned over onto my side, rubbing my foggy eyes. I opened them, my vision blurry, and saw the figures of four men, each of them looking directly at me. For a second I panicked but remembered the events that occurred the previous night. I couldn't remember the names of the three other men I had met last night but recognized their faces staring back at me. I could only remember the name that belonged to the face of the chocolate eyes that looked intensely into my own.

The one other thing that I could remember was the fact that I was hungover. Once my vision cleared, I sat up, which only made my headache worse. My stomach churned, and I could immediately feel the alcohol that I had consumed last night come up. I immediately pulled the covers back, exposing my legs and the rest of my body to the cool morning air. I ran past my new acquaintances and out of the tent where I emptied the remains of what I consumed last night.

I stood there, hunched over with my hands on my knees for about two minutes, profusely throwing up. I breathed heavily as I shut my eyes tight, knowing that seeing what had just come out of my mouth would only make me throw up more.

"I assume this is your first hangover?" A voice asked me. I turned my head and looked behind me to see Alexander standing there. Alongside him were Hercules, John, and Lafayette. I turned my head back around.

After I caught my breath, I responded. "Your assumption is incorrect," I said wiping my mouth. I turned around saw all them with surprise on their faces. I snickered and rolled my eyes. "This is actually my fifth. Courtesy of dances that got out of hand,"

"Oh, well, okay," Alex stammered. After I finished, I walked back into the tent, the others following behind me. I walked over to my bed and made it neatly. It was then when I realized the sun had already come up and each of the men was already in their uniforms ready to start the day except for me. I turned around to see the boys all staring at me blankly.

"Okay, now go. I have to change," I demanded while trying to push all four men out of tent flap at once. They all laughed lightly at my attempt and went out the tent. I sighed once they made it all out. I went over to the uniform laid out on a chair beside my cot. I stared at it intensely, wondering what the people I used to call family would say about this. I thought about how, if I put on this uniform, I'm a soldier, not a lonely girl from New York. I'm working for a newly independent nation, not my mother. If I put on that uniform, I would become a revolutionary.

I slipped my gown off that I arrived in the previous day and put on the breeches that Lafayette gave me along with the shirt, coat, and boots that happened to be a size too big for me. I braided my (h/c) hair back and tied it with a cobalt blue ribbon. Before I went out, I looked down at myself. I felt like a like revolutionary. I felt stoical. I walked out of the tent in confidence and saw Laf, Herc, John, and Alex all waiting for me. I smiled and thanked them for waiting. We started walking, me in front of the others, leading the four men, attracting the eyes of others. We sauntered over towards the supplies, guns in hand.

"So, what business do we have to attend to today, Alex?" I asked briskly.

"Today is a training day, we do some drilling and some target practice," Hamilton said, moving his tiny legs as fast as he could, trying to keep up with all of us.

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