un côté différent

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warnings: blood, gore, ehhhh a tiny bit of angst i guess you would call it.


Muskets fired from every angle as bodies dropped like flies. The smoke that filled the air filled my lungs, and it got harder and harder to me to breathe. I somehow managed to dodge the lead wasps as they whizzed past my body even though the thick smoke. All I could hear were commands being shouted from commanders and the cries of agony from injured men mixed in the sounds of musket firing and canons booming.

"(Y/n)! Take cover!" Hercules shouted from behind me. Not wasting anytime, I raced behind a thick tree. Bullets still flew by me, clipping the tree and sending chips of bark into the air.

I quickly began to load my gun, although this time, I stammered. My hands were shaking from all the action that was happening around me. I realized that this could be my last moment here in this world. I fumbled with the gunpowder, spilling most of it on the ground. I groaned in frustration, but then I stopped myself.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, thinking about why I was here. I was here to fight for liberty, for freedom, and I couldn't do that by cowering behind a tree. Courage finally built up inside me.

I took another packet of gunpowder out and riped it open with my teeth, pouring it into the pan and began to load my weapon. After it was loaded and ready to be fired, I took another deep breath.

I came out from behind the tree and lifted my gun. The smoke had cleared a little, enough to where I could see a man with a red coat, the aim of his gun fixated on a single person. He was doing it stealthily form behind a log, following the person with his gun. I followed his line of sight as he cocked the gun and saw that he was aiming towards Hamilton, who was mounted on his horse.

"Hamilton!" I tried to shout, but it sounded instead like a whisper instead in the sea of noises. It was no use trying to get his attention so that he could dodge the bullet that was headed straight for him, so I had to stop the man myself.

My aim went back on the lobsterback as he put his finger on the trigger. I quickly cocked the gun and put my finger on the trigger.

Before the red coat could shoot, I pulled the trigger. The man fell to the ground as his musket didn't fire. I smiled to myself as I saw him lay there.

But my smile dropped as I felt a sharp pain in my back. I looked down at my stomach and saw a sword that had impaled me, and my eyes widened at the sight. My hands began to shake as I stared at the blade. The person twisted the sword, making my body go numb.

They pulled the sword out and I gasped, feeling my body grow faint. I fell to the ground, unable to move. I heard the person walk around and peer over me. I looked up and saw her staring directly into my eyes, a evil grin on her face.

It was myself who towered over me.

She brought the sword to my neck, and slowly slit my neck, cutting of my air supply. She vanished in thin air, leaving me on the ground left to bleed out and die.

I couldn't breathe. The blood that filled my airway had me gasping for any kind of oxygen. I tried to lift my arm, but I was unmoving. Not even my fingers could move, and I figured that it was the damage done my the sword that caused this. I couldn't feel any part of my body, and my eyelids quickly fell as I took my last breaths.

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