si vous pouviez changer votre destin

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August 29, 1777

The night ran quite frigid, making you shiver in your attempts to fall asleep. You wanted to dream the night away, desperate to escape your situation. You were laying down on the cold, brown ground, dirt entering your airway as you breathed. You used your heavy cloak as a blanket, leaving your head and certain other parts of your body out in the open, as the cloak would not cover your entire frame. As you lay on the ground, Alex stood beside you, looking down at your shivering body. Out of pure compassion and pity, Alexander removed his own coat and gently placed it on the parts of your body that your cloak did not cover, the warmth from his body heating you up right away. Your shaking body stilled, and you were finally able to drift away.

Alex looks down at you still, smiling to himself. It was a shame, Alex thought, that you might die tomorrow. He never got the chance to actually get to know you after he fell in love with you so quickly. He had just realized this morning, as you confided to him on the hillside, that he wanted to spend his entire life with you. He was conflicted, however, because there was another certain someone who also stole his heart.

Lost in his thoughts, he did not notice that the wooden gate had been opened until the person who entered is whispering his name.

"Alex!" Laurens whisper-yells. Alex whips his head around, coming face to face with the other person he cared most deeply for. Hamilton could see the dried tear stains that went down Laurens' cheeks in the moonlight.

"What the hell, Alex!" Laurens began to shout in a hushed tone. Alex puts a hand to Laurens' mouth, muting him.

"Keep it down, (Y/n) just fell asleep! How did you even get in here?"

Laurens pushed Hamilton's hand off of his mouth and his eyebrows drew together in slight anger at the entire situation.

"Herc took over as a guard. Now, explain," Laurens demanded.

"Listen to me, I'm not a spy and I didn't desert the camp, it was just (Y/n) out there. We were just conversing about a nightmare that she had. That was it. I promise you." Alex looked deep into John's eyes, trying to get him to understand.

"Then why are you here?" Laurens asked just a little too loudly. You woke up once again but didn't stir. Instead, you listened in on the conversation that was taking place.

"I don't know. Washington wouldn't believe me."

"How so? You're the one he favors the most." You recognized John's voice, and how frantic it was.

"I don't know! And why are you yelling at me!" Alex's voice raised slightly in volume.

"Because I'm afraid, Alex! I'm terrified of what is going to happen to you," Laurens spoke in his regular voice, not going any louder. You made sure to keep your eyes closed and your body unmoving so they wouldn't tell that you were awake. Hamilton sighed.

"Me too. Whatever may come tomorrow, I will always be with you." The way his voice sounded so endearing to you gave you questions on what was actually going on between them. They seemed to have a deep care for each other, and whether or not it went beyond a close friendship had you wondering.

"How is everyone else?" Alex asks after a brief, silent moment between the two of them.

"Herc is confused mostly, but Laf... Lafayette is not well. He is confused as well, but mostly angry because (Y/n) lied to him and everyone and now she's going to die tomorrow," John spoke sorrowfully.

"But the thing is, (Y/n) was not lying!" Alex retorted.

"How can you be sure, Alex. Can you really trust her? Perhaps the nightmare she had was of her getting caught. She arrived here only a week ago. We have no reason to trust he when we do not even so much as know her."

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