Chapter 1

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Amanda's POV~

Well, for starters.. Im Amanda, I have long, brown, belly-button lengthed hair. My eyes are Nash Grier blue, Im 5'7, haha im a shortyy. I started making vines last Summer, and Im happy that I will be joining Magcon in San Francisco. I finally get to meet all the guys! I got off my plane and went to get my luggage. I slowly carried my luggage outside in the 93 Degree weather. I wiped the sweat running down my forehead as i looked around to see a man holding a sign with my name on it. He was standing infront of a limo, I grinned and walked torwards him "Im Amanda" she smiled as he gestured for her to get into the limo. She stepped in as he put her bags in the trunk. She closed her door and smiled to herself. "Woahh." she looked around, she whipped out her phone and took a picture of the limo and posted it on instagram, The caption labeled: Almost to Magconn <3:. She scolled through instagram and liked a couple of pictures as the likes and comments rolled in. She replied to a couple of people as she arrived. When the limo stopped, the door swung opened. She was pulled out of the car by the one and only Jack Gilinsky. He hugged her and welcomed her to the magcon family. She hugged back trying not to freak out. As she pulled away she smiled at him "Uh.. Im Amanda." She said. "Obviously." he laughs and helped her with her luggage. "Everyone is upstairs in their rooms waiting for you" he smiled down at me. She laughed a bit and carried her bags inside, she got her room key and walked to the elevator, Jack following behind.The elevator door opened, she stepped in and made room for Jack. "So, your gonna go to your room and entroduce yourself to your roomie. Then at 3:30 your gonna come down to room 26, mine and Shawn's room, and were gonna have a little welcome party." he said as they reached their floor. She nodded and walked to room 29 (her room), "okay. thanks for the help with my bags, but i think i got it from heree." she smiled and winked. "Ill see you at 6:30!" she laughed and hugged him after he sat her bags down. He hugged back and he pulled away when he heard a familiar voice "JACKK LEGGOO!" I looked over to see the famous Carter Reynolds. Jack laughed "It was good meeting you, I gotta go help with decorations." he laughed and ran to Carter. I shook my head as i blushed, i stuck my key card into its slot and I opened the door. I drug my Luggage into the room, I finished unpacking and plopped onto my bed. I looked over at the other bed and saw i was gonna be rooming with a guy, but I wondered who. The bathroom door opened and my attention turned torwards.. Cameron Dallas. I wouldnt necessarily say I had a crush on him.. It was just one of the 'omg cameron dallas is so hot im gonna marry him' things. He smirked and rolled his eyes. "uh, did I do something wrong?" I laughed a little. He shook his head and "I just cant believe I gave up Taylor for.." He laughed as he sprayed some of his Hollister cologne on. " Wow. And I cant believe I got put in a room with a jerk. He rolled his eyes again, very sassy isnt he? "Im Alyssa by the way." I bit my lip and picked up my phone, I scrolled through twitter and followed a few fans back. "I know, your all everybody's been talking about latley." he scoffed. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Well im going to my "Party"." I stood up and started walking out, I couold feel him following me. I walked down to room 26, I knocked lightly. "Wow." Cam rolled his eyes and pushed the door, wow, im feel like a blonde.. I didnt even realize the door was unlocked. I walked in behind Cameron. "SUPRISEE!" Everyone popped put of nowhere, "suprise." cameron said lastly and rolled his eyes. Okay what was his problem?? Does he not want me here? I walked in and smiled "Awww Guys!" I smiled and everyone basically tackled me with hugs. I eventually got through the small crowd and sat down in a spinny chair. "Alright, if anybody is hungry, The food is served!!" I laughed as Taylor, Matt, and Nash basically ran to the pizza table like a pack of wolves. "If you dont like pizza, we cant be friends!!" Matt screamed as he walked past me. I stood up and got into the tiny line, I got to the front and grabbed a plate and took a couple pieces. Of course Cameron took my seat, I got onto Shawns bed and sat next to him and started eating my Pizza. Jack J looked over at me as he finished his pizza, "Sooo Amanda tell us about yourselff" he smiled sweetly. I laughed a little "Well, Im 16 and i play soccer, swim, run track, and I also sing a little. And I obviously make vines." I laughed a little. Shawn turned torwards me, "No wayy. sing somethinggg!" he yelled. Everybody but Cam chanted for me to sing. "Okayyy Okayyy! Ill singg." I laughed.

"I guess you really did it this time

Left yourself in your war-path

Lost your balance on a tightrope

Lost your mind trying to get it back

I looked around and everybody seemed to be intrested.

Wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days?

Always a bigger bed to crawl into

Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything

& everybody believed in you?

It's alright, just wait and see

Your string of lights is still bright to me

Oh, who you are is not where you've been

You're still an innocent

You're still an innocent

Did some things you can't speak of

But at night you live it all again

You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now

If only you would seen what you know now th-"

I was cut off by Camereon yelling "This is so boringg." I glared at him as he got up and walked out. " Wow.." Everybody clapped as I got many great comments about my singing. "Thanks guys," I smiled and sighed. Taylor pulled me into the hallway. "Dont worry about Cam, he's just jealous because your getting all the attention." he smiled. "Okayy. I dont know why he would be but.. whatever." I laughed and shrugged.

Cameron's POV~

I walked back to my room, furious. She gets so much attention. It isn't fair, I said to myself as she started singing. I watched her beautiful face light up as she sang. She's so gorgeous. What are you saying Cam? You have a girlfriend, ALyssa is your girlfriend, shes more gorgeous than Amanda. I plopped onto my bed and facetimed Alyssa. Luckily she answered and he smiled as her face appeared on screen "Hey Babe" he bit his lip. "Hey! Everything alright?" she had a concerned face. "Yea, theres just this new girl Alyssa, shes like an attention whore or something.. Shes literally been all everyones talking about." he rolled his eyes. "Stay away from her Cam. You know how I feel about you around other girls, plus shes probably just wanting the attention. Whats her name?" she asked. He bit his lip, "her name is Amanda Ellisor." he watched as Alyssa looked her up "She looks like a slutty bimbo." she said in a hateful way, which wasnt true at all. He heard a door close. "Uh somebody's coming, gotta go love youu" he kisses the camera and quickly ends the chat. He ran to the door and opened it, he looked out, and looked both ways. He saw Amanda walking away from the door and turning the corner. He heard her sniffle and followed behind her quickly. "Amanda..?" He walked after her "Are you Okay?" He rested his hand on her shoulder. She jerked away from him "Dont touch me." she sniffled again.. I think she heard Alyssa and I. "Please let me explain.." He turned her around.. "No! Im just an attention whore and a slutty bimbo." She jerked away again and she pulled out her phone and texted somebody. She turned around, facing me and walked away, she walked into Shawn and Jack G's room.


Hey Guys(: Makayla heree. I hope you like my 1st chapter. Im gonna try to update everyday.. But last time I tried that I eventually gave up. But I have a good feeling about this story.. So(: Yep! Ill Try uploading tomorroww!(:

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