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   Edited on February 23 2017       
                                                     Chapter 1

                                        Picture of Madison on the side 
                                                         Madison's POV
I was walking home from my babysitting job and it was pretty dark outside.

Normally mom would come pick me up but she had to work late, and she could not get off of work.

Now you must be thinking that a 17 year old girl probably shouldn't walk home alone at 11:13 at night. What could possibly go wrong am I right?
I felt a little better when I patted the back pocket of my jeans and felt that the pepper spray was indeed still in my pocket.

A loud "bang", like as if something hit a metal trash can made me jump "What was that,"  I mumbled shakely to myself. I looked around. Seeing nothing a gave myself a mental shake.

Get a hold of your self Madison,  good grief it was probably just a stray cat or something... I hope

Another loud "bang", like more of those metal trash cans hitting each other made the uneasy pit in my stomach start to grow. This time I managed to hear it coming from an alleyway to my left.

Should I face my growing fear, or speed walk home? Deciding that it was nothing and liking to challenge myself, I walked toward the alleyway.

I entered the alleyway to see the trash bins knocked over. Walking over to them a loud, "Screech, hiss, and meow" came from a spotted cat as it jumped like 5 feet in the air before landing on it's feet.

I had held back my scream, as my heart rate increased by a mile from the unexpected appearance of the cat.

Seemingly glaring at me, the cat eyed me with its eyes narrowed before turning around and leaving me by myself.

Putting a hand over my chest, I tried calming down. I got scared by a cat... Haha, I'm so pathetic

After picking up the trash cans I left the alleyway and continued my journey home.

Ten minutes passed, and I was just humming to myself. Very comfortable with my surroundings even though deep in my gut, I knew, I shouldn't be.

A deep and dark chuckle came from behind me making my entire being freeze into place.

I was afraid to turn around, scared of what I might see, I wants to run away. My mom's reprimanding on being polite hit me full force though, and surprisingly enough, not wanting to be rude, I turned around to face the guy.

Then I saw him, I knew it was a him, due to his big structure. He was casually leaning against a light pole, as though he owned the place.

"W-What do you want?" All confidence that I thought I might had flew out the nonexistence window as I stuttered.

Pushing himself off the light pole, he got closer to me. Now I'm feeling even more uneasy as red flags began going off in my mind. "It's alright Madison Brook, I don't want to hurt you." Said the scary man, as though he could sense the uneasiness inside of me.

I was shocked at the fact he knew not only my first, but also my last name. "How do you know my name?" I questioned angrily, upset on the fact that a total stranger would know my personal information

 "I know many things about you Madison Brook. Like your age, name, the food that you like. The clothes that you wear, and who your friends are." Said the man as he began to get creepier and creepier with every word he said.

"Get away from me you stalker!" I yelled at him with a burst of confidence . My heart was beating really fast now, and my head was pounding as it was trying to make sense of it all.

"Oh Madison, Madison, when I take you to my place you won't be talking like that to me anymore." he said with such a dark tone, and just like that all the confidence I had diminished. Every part of my being said "Run"

The adrenaline started kicking in, so I took off running as fast as I could along the now abandoned road side. Right here was when I wished that I had lived in a city instead of this dreary town.

I am a pretty good athlete so I got a pretty good head start, but footsteps were soon echoing behind me and I knew that I was in trouble.

  He suprised me by completely tackling me from behind. Throwing that "I don't want to hurt you" speech, out the window. Crashing me into the pavement all of his weight landed directly on top of me.

The fall knocked the wind out of me, and he noticeably took that to his advantage.

Flipping me onto my back, I was now face to face with this sicopath. It was still too dark to see his face but I could somehow tell that he was smiling at me.

Sitting on my waist he leaned toward me slowly, while chuckling darkly at my feeble attempts to escape.

Thinking fast I prayed to God that I didn't lose my pepper spray in this madness. Searching for it in my pockets, I felt a small flicker of hope surround me as I felt it still in my pocket.

Pulling out my pepper spray, I felt no remorse as I sprayed him directly in his ugly face with my good ole pepper spray.

He screamed in pain and fell off of me as he rubbed his eyes. Taking advantage of the shift of momentum I jumped up kicked him in the gut and started running.

I could see it!! I COULD FINALLY SEE MY HOUSE!!!! I ran up, almost tripping over the steps leading up to my door.

I fumbled with my keys and tried to unlock it as fast as I could.

Finally I managed to unlock the door and I slammed and locked the door behind me. Leaning against the door I took a deep breath, and for the first time I noticed the blood oozing out of my leg.

Gathering my courage I jumped into action. It was dark inside so I ran all around the house turning on all the lights making it seem as though many people were in the house.

I ran into my mom's bedroom and grabbed the metal baseball bay that she always had "just in case".

Deciding just to stay in my mom's bedroom, I quietly shut her door and locked it. I then pressed myself against the wall next to the door. Bracing myself to hit anyone who entered.

I heard the front door opening and then closing. My heart skipped a beat.

"Madison, are you home? AND WHY ARE ALL THE LIGHTS ON!" My mom went from calm to yelling in a matter of seconds down stairs

Relief rushed through me as I realized it was just my mom.

I threw the door open and ran down the stairs straight into my mom's arms.

The tears started falling as the adrenaline began wearing off.

"Madison, What happened to you!" My mom asked

I tried to speak, but I couldn't. I was all out weeping now. All the tears clogged my throat making it impossible to speak.

She just hushed me and held me tight. Whispering calming words into my ear. It worked. I was soon calm enough to tell her exactly what happened. And so I did.

My mom called the police immediately. They showed up rather quickly, took a look around, and then posted a police car out front. They couldn't find much, and so the case went no where.

I had actually cut my leg pretty badly, so bad that I had to get stiches.

Hopefully that guy is gone for good, and I won't have to worry about him again.

Changed this chapter around a lot. I will get to the other chapters, but they might not make sense until I do.

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