Chapter 6

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         Edited on February 23, 2017

                           Madison's POV

 "H-he's dead." I managed to utter out,

"Yes, he is. Now we have to go." A voice came from the entryway of the alley.

My head jerked up to see a man that I don't reconize. He is holding a gun in his hand

"W-who are you?" I asked trying to be brave, but failing

"We met a while back Madison." He said reassuringly as he took some steps closer to me

"W-we did?" I asked stupidly

"Yes we did. I believe it was 2 months ago to be exact." He said darkly and then an evil looking smile sprouted across his face

"YOU!! SOMEONE HELP!" I managed to yell out before he grabbed me and put a cloth on my face.

I tried not to breath in but I  eventually did. When I breathed in I felt suddnely felt very sleepy, and with that I was out of it.

Blinking some tome after I tried to move but I was shocked to find myself tied to a chair.

My eyes soon adjusted to the dim lit room, and I saw that I was alone in a room.

The room was dark and grimy, with concrete walls and floors. The only furniture in the open room that I could see was the chair that I was sitting on, and an old dirty mattress.

"Well this place is nice" I said to my self sarcastically, trying to keep myself calm

"Hello?" I said loudly trying to get someone's attention, which is probably stupid

I was right, it was stupid beacuse right after I said that a door opened and in came the man that kidnapped me.

He had an rather disturbing smile on his face and if it wasn't for the smile. He wasn't ugly like I expected him to be. His eyes seemed rather empty when I looked into them, that made chills run down my spine.

"I see that you are finally awake." Said the man happily as if kidnapping me made his life a hundred times better.

"And what is your name, if I may ask." I said politely, trying to remain on his good side

"You may call me Billy Bob, Billy for short." He said with a grin

"...Billy Bob...really?" I said and then I then burst out laughing unable to keep it in, "Billy Bob hahahahahahaha, oh its too funny." still laughing hysterically "I-I think I'm crying." I said and sure enough there were tears running down my cheeks

"What kind of a kidnappers name is Billy Bob?" I said after I finally stopped laughing and composed myself

"Look you cant choose your name, okay!" He snapped "Now that's enough, or you will regret it." The threat fell on deaf ears as I ignored it

"Oh, well then, pardon me Billy Bob." I said in a cocky voice

Then he grabbed my face harshly making me wince and leaned very close to me

Changed this chapter to hopefully make it better

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