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"Dear (Y/N)." A certain person called my name suddenly. I look at the direction where the voice came from.

"Oh it was just you, Pia. How can I help you?" I politely asked as I flash my sweet smile. Pia move infront of me and look at my eyes.

Pia Hairenne, one of the maids of the only daughter of King Shou Loki. She is one of my loyal friends and she is older than me.

"King Shou told me that starting tomorrow, you will be handling his six sons." she said.

"Okay." I shortly responded and she gave me her 'that's-it' look. I furrow my eyebrow while giving her my confused look.

"'Okay'? That's it?" she questioned me and clutch on my shoulders. She starts to shake me. "You are going to handle his six sons! The six drop-dead, percipient, benevolent princes!" she stated while her eyes are sparkling and while shaking me back and forth. "They are the most perfect princes in the world that exists! And your reaction is just plain?!" she stop shaking me as soon as she finish her rant.

"They are still humans like us at the end of the day, Pia. And you do not need to exaggerate things." I stated as I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you know that you are the most lucky girl alive?! You'll get to see them naked, half-naked, sleep, eat, drink, blink and you'll breath the same air as them!" she said.

"That's what fangirls of those princes you've mentioned wishes." I bluntly said while I held a poker face.

"You're the first maid they've chose to handle those princes! In all maids, (Y/N) (L/N), you!" she said. "They chose you! Why not be happy?!" she asked.

"I'm happy." I bluntly responded.

"Whatever." she sneer. "Pack your things today because you'll go to the princes chamber earlier than you expected. Farewell, (Y/N)." she said and head outside the room.

"Bye." I muttered while looking at her leaving figure.

I face the mirror and look at my reflection. 'Handling the six sons of King Shou doesn't sound bad, right? Yes, it will just be like handling Princess Amaika. They will treat me good and I'll treat them good too but once they will do something bad that can affect my job... then I'll sent them to hell.' I assured myself.

'Just don't plight things up, okay? You're going to handle the princes, (Y/N).'


HEYAAAA!!! Nice to meet you XD Yeah... thanks for reading this chapter ^-^!~

Bye Bye~~



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