Demolition Lovers

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"Blair Watson?" the Doctor asked. I nodded.  

"Your unstable but out of danger." he explained. "So you're going to be under observation but out of intensive care."  

I smiled. Five whole days in intensive care nurses not letting me sleep and the food was all...bleh. "Special" food as they call it but it was non solid and liquids were controlled. Banana's were mushed and I only had a choice of chicken and vegetable soup. I could only drink water too.  

"You can eat solids again too." he smiled at my reaction. I was smiling from cheek to cheek. A nurse wheeled a wheel chair in and I'm transferred into a new room. A guy with black hair is sleeping. Wait a minute....was that???? 

It was Gerard the guy with the bucket!! 

"Hope you get along with him. He is a weird one." the nurse says. That was a rather mean thing to say. He wakes up right when I lay down.  

"Hi." he says in a cheerful tone.  

"Hi" I smile. He's better too. "I'm Blair by the way." 

"Yeah you never got to tell me." he laughs. "Do you want to play checkers?"  

I nod. He takes a checker box out. He makes himself comfortable and I do too.  

After five games I give up. He won all of them! 

"How did you even get a checker board?" 

I ask. 

"Ohhh I asked Annie the nurse to get it." he says. "So tell me about yourself Blair." 

Im taken aback. I haven't been asked that question in a long time! 

" parents own the Watson Bank. And lawyer offices." I say but regret it. I never tell anyone that it im afraid there going to think I'm a richie girl."But I'm but I'm not a bitch. I work."  

"You? A bitch? I've never would of thought that about you." he says. I melt inside. That was so nice. 

"I also love photography. And I ate shrimp at my sister's wedding. Like a whole pound of them. Besides that I just go to school" leaving out Derek. "You?"  

"Im in a band. And we were meeting friend and in their house they had Fish. I guess it didn't work anymore because.." he looked around. "I ended up here."  

"Oh... Same here. What instrument do you play? I myself know a few chords on guitar. But I suck." I say. 

"Guitar but I sing in the band."  

We start talking and I find out he's twenty one. He has a brother named Mikey and his band is called My Chemical Romance. He's from New Jersey and he had depression before he started the band. He went to art school but didn't make it as a comic artist. 

"Are you studying photography?" he asked the next day.  

"I wish. You see my parents don't think it's a good idea. They want me to be a lawyer like them or like my sister." I laugh. I've been strangely opening up to him. I barely know him. 

"After we get outta this place. You should."


"And Jerseys' awesome." Gerard says. It's been two months!! He had constant stomach cramps and I vomited. Our health was unstable. No one had come to visit us. We were by ourselves.  

"I don't have friends." I say. " I have school friends but I usually spent my time with my sister. And her friends."  

"I'm your friend." he smiles.  

There a knock at the door and I see my sister  

"Am I interrupting?" she says. I shake my head and wave her in. 

"Hey Patricia." I hug her. "This is Gerard Way. My friend. I met him in the emergency room." She shakes his hand. 

"I'm Patricia Lassy." she says using Martin's last name.  

"I can move the curtain if you like." He says. 

"No it's okay." My sister responds for me. 

"Why haven't you guys visited me?" I say. My voice becomes shaky like it does when I'm nervous.  

"Oh Blair. Mom and Dad are on a business trip and I've been so busy. I'm sorry." she says. "Martin says thank you for the hotel room you got us." I smile.  

"So when are you getting out?" she says patting my knee.  

"I'm under observation because I keep vomiting. I sigh. "But Gerard's here too."  

We talk some more and she has to get going. 

"Oh I forgot." she retrieves out of her bag one of my small but great nikon camera."Thought you would want it."  

"Thank you Patricia."I say.  

"Say cheese." I point my camera to Gerard. 

"Get my good side." he laughs.  

We laugh taking funny pictures together.

After a while were tired of staying here we practically know each other really well. He knows about Derek know and he said,"Well al least you didn't marry someone you didn't love." and he's right know that I think of it. 

I know how he felt before the band and how he feels know. I know about his band members.  

That's what happens when you spend night and day with someone. We went to the children's playground and sat on a bench. The nurse permitted us too just walk calmly and look at the world outside our room walls.  

"Can I hear you sing." He looks at me.  

"I'm serious." 

He clears his throat jokingly.  

"Hand in mine, into your icy blues 

And then I'd say to you we could take to the highway 

With this trunk of ammunition too 

I'd end my days with you in a hail of bullets

I'm trying, I'm trying 

To let you know just how much you mean to me" he stops and raises his eyebrows.  

"Did you write that?" I ask. He nods. 

"That was...great you're amazing." I say 

Lately I've been having these strange daydreams. Gerard and I outside the hospital. Holding hands and being a couple. I even thoughts where I would take him on a date one day! But I can't even hide it from myself. I have feelings for Gerard Way......which partly scary and awesome.  


We volunteered to cheer up kids in the children floor. Manda a nice girl we meet isn't there so we play cards with Joey. A boy with cancer. When it's time to leave Joey starts to cry. 

"Don't go." he cries. "I don't want to die." 

I'm such a wuss I don't do anything. However Gerard sits next to him. Holding his hand. 

"Listen. Don't worry you'll be okay and you won't die...." I walk out leaving then alone but look inside the glass window. I see then talk and it seems that Gerard cheers him up. He draws a simple sketch of two hands holding each other and a dove. Hope. He gives it to him. I feel bad not doing anything but cry in pain at nights when there other people suffering even more. Gerard makes me smile as he high fives the kid.  

"Wow Gerard. You really....." I'm speechless. I reach up and give him a peck on the cheek.  

"What was that for?" he asks.  

"For helping that little boy in a way I couldn't." I said kissing his other cheek

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