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Throbbing. That's all I could feel right now as I squinted through my sunglasses at the street ahead. The sun beat down on us from above, making my head swim, draining my energy all the while. My moping was cut off, however, by an abnormally loud yawn from behind me. I huffed.

"Ryuu, aren't you supposed to be Mr. Professionalism at times like these? Shape up!" I called out to him, clapping my hands twice.

"How are you not asleep on your feet yet?" He mumbled.

Ryuuji may be my boss, but he was my best friend. I hadn't seen him in what felt like forever until last night, so we spent the whole night catching up - eating food, playing video games, listening to music. Before we knew it, it was time to get ready to head out; Hongbin set our meeting for early this morning. He must really be desperate, I mean, who drops everything just to meet up with someone they randomly recruited off the street? The bell rang overhead as Ryuu and I walked into the coffee shop where the meeting was to take place - talk about cliche.

"Hana!" Ryuu exclaimed, running over to the counter to greet the barista.

I scrunched my nose slightly. I didn't hate Hana, rather she's the only one who gets my order perfect and I love her for that, I just don't do the over-friendly thing that Ryuuji seems to excel in. While he was busy there, I took the chance to find us a seat, knowing he would order for me. I watched, mesmerized, as the other barista swiftly completed orders. I wonder what it would be like, having a normal part time job, stressing about University like a normal kid... Nah, can't see it.

"Oh Miss! I was just about to call you," Hongbin said, sitting down across from me and setting down a small stack of files.

"Good Morning, Mister Hongbin," I greeted politely. I'd been gruff last night, but now I'm actually considering the job so I may as well be pleasant.

"To you as well," He replied.

I excused myself to get Ryuu, as well as place Hongbin's order since he paid for my food last night. I tapped my aloof boss on the shoulder, tilting my head towards the booth before heading to the register. By the time I returned with both our orders, Hongbin and Ryuu were both laughing like old friends. Of course.

"Ah, there she is, come sit!" Ryuu said, waving me over.

I furrowed my brows at him but did as he said, placing the food and drinks in the center of the table and retrieving mine. I leaned forward, looking down at the table intently before frowning. They hadn't so much as touched the files Hongbin brought with him.

"So? What's the job? Or y'know, whatever it is we're here for," I asked, possibly interrupting them as they both snapped their heads towards me.

"Straight to the point, I made a good choice," Hongbin murmured as he looked through the files before giving one to Ryuu.

Ryuu went from his goofy smile to his cold professionalism in seconds, and I resisted acting upon the shiver that went down my spine. I was more used to seeing cold Ryuuji - the warm, goofy Ryuu only made a recent appearance - despite that, he still stopped me dead in my tracks every time. Never cross a serious Ryuuji, I learned that the hard way.

"So why do you need a bodyguard, or rather, her specifically? Idols get threats all the time. I don't see what makes this so special that your existing security detail couldn't handle it," Ryuuji said, setting the file down.

Well, that's interesting. I waited to make sure he was distracted before sliding the file towards me. Flipping through the pages revealed threatening letter upon threatening letter. Ryuuji was right, nothing out of the ordinary here. I guess they're freaking out because they're kids?

"See, I thought the same thing so we just moved their dorms in case and dismissed the matter. But then we got these..." He said, sliding over another file.

This one was full of photos. What's the big deal? They're idols... They kind of live in front of cameras. It sucks, but they do. Looking at them now, though, something seemed off about the pictures.

"These aren't fancams or paparazzi or staff cameras are they?" I asked, though I knew the answer.

"We wouldn't be worried if they were," He answered solemnly.

"Supposing we accept this job, and Minah accepts this assignment, what would it entail?" Ryuuji asked, placing his entwined hands on the table and leaning forward.

I felt my eyes get heavier and blinked hard a few times before taking a few large gulps of my coffee, surprising Hongbin when I went to get a refill. I heard Ryuuji tell him not to worry about it, that he'll fill me in later. I couldn't be more grateful, the lack of sleep was suddenly starting to get to me. Then again, it's probably because it's been a few days since I've had a decent amount of sleep. At least with this case we have someone readily available for information; the last job was to be completely fleshed out on my own and it was physically taxing. I'm just happy I got it done. I looked up when I heard my name and grabbed my coffee, barely offering a smile before slumping back into my seat at the booth.

"She'll take it," Ryuuji said, shaking Hongbin's hand and pausing just long enough to sign his name onto our usual contract with a flourish.

After we were all clear with the terms and signed the contract we got ready to leave. I had this weekend to figure out what my basic plan of action was. Let's do this.
I'm pretty sure no one's reading this yet, but that's alright, it gives me time to work out the kinks! The chapters are so very short so far and I'm not quite sure I'm 100% happy with them... T^T I'll try to expand more on them and work on my writing style as I move forward. That being said, let me know what you think! Any votes/comments/feedback are highly appreciated ^u^

Have a great day/night!

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