He Did It . . . Or Did He?

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Chapter 4

My first few days staying at Addison's house have been ruff. I've been remembering things ever so often, and most of my memories have Addison in them. The day I first met her . . . The day we became friends . . . The day I asked her out on a date . . . The day I proposed . . . and so on.

Addison's been locking herself in her room doing paperwork for the case and trying to match everything up. I haven't really talked to her since I told her that Marcus murdered Maria and it's annoying me. I miss her. I miss hanging out with her. I pretty much remember everything about her.

I hear a creak of a door opening and look up to see Addison trying to sneak past me.

"Addison I see you," I said a little annoyed.

I hear her mumble a curse under her breath then she turns around and slaps a fake smile on her face. "How are you Daniel? "

"Why are you avoiding me?" I ask sounding slightly broken.

Her green eyes darken but seem sad and she opens her mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Addison closes her mouth and squeezes her eyes shut and then whisphers, "It's just harder to be around you then I thought it would be."

I get up off the couch and walk over to Addison. I grab her hands and give a little squeeze while asking, "Did I do something? Did I make you uncomfortable? Please tell me what I did."

She looks up at me then quickly looks away when she sees the pleading look in my blue eyes. She stutters "Its just that I don't think it was Marcus." She looks at how my jaw clenches and adds hastily "There's no proof, he has an alibi that places him an hour away from your house."

"Then how do you explain him hitting me in the head? How do you explain me seeing him?" I said frustrated.

Addison tightens her grip on my hands then looks into my eyes, "Maybe you just thought you saw him. Maybe you saw who you wanted to see. Maybe you didn't even get a good look at him. But all I know for sure is that he has an alibi and we need to look for a new suspect otherwise your going to jail, and I can't let that happen. I need you."

My heart speeds up and I smile at her, She needs me. I need her too. But my smile fades, "How will we find a new suspect? I don't know anyone else who would hurt her."

"I'm going to talk to Marcus and see if he knows anyone, I'll question him and see what comes up. Don't worry, I won't let whoever did this get away with hurting her. I won't let you get blamed," She whisphered the last part and pulled me into a tight hug.

I put my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. I softly say "Thank you Addison, thank you so much for working so hard to find who did this to Maria."

My shoulder is becoming damp and I know she's crying. She sniffles and replys with, "Your welcome Daniel."


Addison left to the court house to give them updates and to look at evidence from the crime scene. I stayed home to suprise her, and because I'm under house arrest. She's going to be gone a while and won't be back tell about 5PM.

So I decided that I'm going to make her favorite foods and have it ready for her when she gets home. Thank god that I'm remembering all this.

I begin putting bbq sauce on some ribs then place it in the oven, I grab a pot and boil some water for corn in the cob, and then finally  I grab a few potatoes and begin pealing off its skin.

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