Falling Apart, Then Coming Right Back Together

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Chapter 7

When I woke up the only proof I had that Addison even came home last night is that she put a blanket on me. Oh and her usual note telling me she will be gone late again. 3 Days went on like this, and I haven't seen her once. I'm actually becoming scared, scared of her putting to much stress on herself and getting high blood pressure or heart disease or who knows what else.

Everytime I try and stay up tell she gets home I fall asleep. One time though, I was up tell two in the morning and still wasn't home. So on top of working to long she's not getting enough sleep.

As for me I've spent 4 days without any communication with other people. The only thing to do in this house is watch TV and I can't stand it anymore. I think I've lost all my sanity at this point. A few times I caught myself talking as if someone was with me.

Yup I'm offically crazy. There is no doubt about it.

I am also lonely. I miss Addison. I miss her smell of lavender mixed with vanilla.  I miss her enchanting green eyes, her golden brown curly hair, her laugh. I miss her so much. I have so much free time I can name off everything that I miss about her, but don't you worry my dear readers I won't bore you with all that.

Let's focus on what I'm doing right now. What am I doing? Oh right I'm making myself a whole bunch of coffee.

Yes I know, that's my big plan to stay up tonight.


So original, I know I am.

Anyways I'm going to drink coffee all day. Hope it works.


About halfway through the day I found some common sense and decided I should take a few naps throughout the day instead of drinking a whole bunch of coffee. Took you long enough, you idiot! My subconscious exclaimed at me. What can I say, I'm really slow right now. I haven't done anything productive in 4 days!

All I want to do is go outside for a walk, but of course it's not aloud.

After taking a few naps and watching some random TV shows it's finally 11PM. Oh look at that Addison is still out. I am really worried about her.


It feels as if I have been on the couch for days when I finally hear shuffling behind the front door. I shoot up onto my feet and literally sprint to open the door to Addison.

When I open the door Addison jumps and drops her keys. She clutches her chest and sighs in relief when she sees me standing there.

"What are you doing up?" She asks casually as if it's 10PM not 3 in the morning.

I ignore her question and glare at her while saying "Why haven't I seen you in four days? Why are you leaving so early and coming home at 3AM? You are obviously aren't getting much sleep, judging by the bags under your eyes. Top it off you seem pale, sickly pale and you seem to have lost weight. Which that is not a good thing, considering the fact you already were skinny. Why are you doing this to yourself? Do you know how bad this all is for you? You can-"

Addison cut me off throwing her own glare at me "So what? I will be fine as soon as I finish this case! I need to finish it before the due date. You want to know why I'm doing this? Well I'm doing it for you! For Maria! I'm doing this to get that douchebag in jail instead of you! We are running out of time, wether it seems like it to you or not. Time is flying for me, that's why I'm always gone. I need to get as much information on Marcus as I can. Do you know how much I got?" She pauses as if to let me answer but quickly  answers her own question "Hmmm maybe a quarter of what's out there. Maybe not even that. My point is time is running out and I still don't have a warrant for his arrest. Also the sooner he's in jail the sooner you are free of this house. I can tell that you are dieing to get out, even when you're sleeping you look like you're trapped and I don't like it! So stop worrying about me, I am fine." Addison huffed at the end and my glare softens. She's worried of failing me that's what it is.

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