Introducing Keith

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Chapter 10


Last night Addison and I ate my attempt

of making Chinese food, then my amazing molten lava cake, what can I say desert is my specialty, all the while talking about how everything with Evelyn.

Addison found out that Marcus and Evelyn are half siblings which now that I think about it, it makes a lot of sense. She told me Evelyn was to scared to admit anything but that she thinks that Evelyn just needs a little while to think everything through and find Marcus' pocket knife hopefully.

If Evelyn comes in with that pocket knife and it has Maria's blood and Marcus' finger prints on it then I'm in the clear.

I'm worried about Evelyn, if Marcus finds out about any of this he can hurt her, or even worse, murder her. I can tell Addison is worrying about the same thing. Addison told me of how Evelyn kept on repeating that she can't help us and Addison said that the fear in Evelyn's eyes did not go away the whole interrogation and that she was pretty much trembling in fear of being caught.

I don't want Evelyn to get hurt because of me, I've met the girl as Maria's friend and her getting hurt because of me will be to much to bare. I just wish there was an easier way to catch Marcus and put him away for his crimes, I just don't see one.

After Addison and I talked about Evelyn we talked about the research we both did. I put together everything I know about the night Maria died and what I  know is missing for me to be the actual murderer, and Addison has all the crimes Marcus has ever been accused of, all the files on him, all evidence that can be used against him.

We finished talking about all that and I cleaned up. Which then our night ended with Addison dragging me to bed and I kissed her goodnight and went to sleep.

This morning I woke up and Addison was gone. I went to the fridge to find her note there:

Hey Daniel,

Today a visitor will be coming by to meet you. He already knows you but I don't know if you remember him. His name Keith Jackson and he is a detective and my partner. He's assisting me on this case even though he isn't supposed to be.

Keith wanted to say hi and reintroduce himself to you, he also thought that you could use some company.

I'm at work of course and will be home at the usual time.

I love you!


P.S. Keith might be staying all day, you'll have to ask him.

I wracking my brain, searching for any memory that is tied to a Keith Jackson but come out blank.This is frustrating not remembering these things but I just brush it off and a strange feeling of relief comes over me. Thinking about it, I figure out that I'm glad to have someone be here other than Addison. Don't get me wrong, I love Addison, but lately it seems we are both trapped and having another person over other than Addison and I makes me somehow feel less trapped.

So I eat some breakfast, and then get ready for a different day.


Almost all morning I spend my time alone until at half past ten the doorbell finally rings.

I'm instantly filled with excitement and practically sprint to the door. Stopping at the door, I have to tell myself to act my age about this, that I need to calm down.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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