Chapter One:Skeleton Boy

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Le Gasp! Another Andy story? Yes, it's true. The lyrics below are from an old demo by BVB (in the sidebar) There are no lyrics anywhere so I just typed them by ear. If you know the lyrics, please message me :)

"Why, why did I wait so long to tell you?

I must be true, I held everything inside. 

Why, why did I wait so long to tell you? I must be true, no lies between you & I anymore.

Why'd I wait so be true?"

Ruth-Ann Manson



Everyone calls her Ruthy

Bio:Born & raised in Ohio. Met Andrew Biersack when she was 7 & he was 10.

    If it wasn't for my parents arguing down stairs, I would have sworn I suffered from insomnia.I stirred in bed as I tried to get some sleep. The cool pillow touching my head made me feel relaxed & calm but I still wasn't falling asleep.The soft sheets gently rubbed against my skin as I turned onto my side a third time. I sighed. This was hopeless.  But-- tap, tap. I sat up, looking around my dark room. What the f-  tap tap. Looking out of the window, I saw something that I probably would never notice until now.  A figure was peering into my window. Fear became a tangible, living force that crept over me like some hungry beast, immobilizing me; my brain, holding me captive. I could feel the flight or fight responses kick in, increasing my heart rate, flooding me with added adrenaline, but the fear; the beast holding me captive took control of my entire being.

     I pulled away the smooth silk bed sheets, stepping out of my bed I walked to the window with great caution. Then, a pair of blue eyes met mine. Those eyes I could never forget, even if I tried. I unlatched the locks & lifted up smiling, "Well hello, Andy, what's your excuse tonight?" I asked, staring deeply into his eyes.

      Andy always had his strange excuses for tapping on my window at 2 in the morning, but he never tells me the real reason he does it. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Despite all the huge trouble I could get into, I really didn't give a fuck.  My parents hate him & his parents love me, plain & simple as that.

      "Aw, ya know, I just so happen to be walking past your house & heard your parents fighting. So I figured I'd sneak you outta here." He chuckled, grabbing my hand & pulling me closer to the window sill.

      I bit my bottom lip, something I always did when I was in deep thought.

      "Awwwwww c'mon! Pleeease?!" He pleaded, making the pouty face. Damn, that was my weakness.

      "Ugh, fine." I whispered, fighting back a smile. Putting on my jacket & ankle studded boots, I climb out the window to join Andy below.


      His breathing was as perfect as his heartbeat, slow & steady. I get lost his perfectly blue eyes. He lets out a low chuckle & intertwines his fingers in my hair.

      "Sweet dreams, Ruthy." He whispers. I smile.

        "Sweet dreams, Andy."

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