Chapter 23

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3rd P.O.V

Allison was driving back to her house while Kylie was soundly sleeping in the back. The rain and the lighting was reminding Allison of what she had seen earlier. The images were haunting her mind and the fact that she had learned that Kylie was one of those.... things. It didn't bother her, she still loved the child, but she felt anger towards the thing that bit her. Kate had showed both of them what a Werewolf was really like.

Kate turned on the dial of the electricity machine.

"What are you doing? Is that gonna kill him?" Allison asked.

"Oh, come on, kiddo. Don't get all ethical on me now." Kate said with amusement in her voice.

She shocked Derek some more, making him scream out in pain. Kylie looked at him wide eyed, but Derek, understanding what she was thinking, shot her a look that meant to act like she didn't know him.

"What is he?" Allison asked.

"Shape - shifter. Lycan. Werewolf." Kate said, laughing when she had finished the list. "To me he's just another dumb animal. The complete opposite of our little friend, right here." She continued pointing towards Kylie.

Allison's eyes widened and she looked at the three year old in her arms.

"Kylie's one of them?" 

"Yes, but like I explained to her, I'll train her to be like us, she won't be one of those animals." Kate explained.

Kate shocked Derek again.

"Come here." Kate waved Allison and Kylie over. "See these right here? These are canines, also known as fangs. Made for the tearing and rending of flesh. Not something you'd find on those cute little leaf - eating herbivores, is it?"

"This is a joke to you?" The teenager said, raising her eyes.

"Sweetheart, there are werewolves running around in the world. Everything's a joke to me. How else do you think I stay sane?" 

Allison only shook her head and seemed to hold onto Kylie a bit more tightly as if she was protecting her.

"So - it was him at the high school and all the other animal attacks?" She asked.

"There's actually four of them - Kylie, she's the cub which is basically a baby Werewolf. Another younger one like him called a Beta, and then there's the Alpha. Alpha's the pack leader - Bigger, stronger, nastier. Those - are the real ugly motherf -" 

"Language!" Kylie cut Kate off.

Kate stopped and looked at the small child, softly smiling.

"Sorry, Sweetheart." She said and led the girls out of the room.

Back in the car, Allison was so lost in her thought that she hadn't realized that she was driving over the speed limit. She was brought back as she heard police sirens.

"Oh, God, not now." She whispered.

Even if she whispered, Kylie heard it with her supernatural hearing and it woke her up.

"Allison?" She said in a sleepy voice, rubbing her eyes.

Allison's eyes went to the mirror and she saw Kylie.

"It's okay, Kylie. Don't worry." 

Kate closed the big metal doors. 

"When were they gonna tell me?" Allison asked. 

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