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The Wolf Nation is under attack.

On the Shimmering Sea, to the west of the Wolf Lands, a large fleet has appeared and anchors along the coast. The ships have traveled far and carry many thousands of soldiers known as the "Romans." War galleys and huge cogs land on the beach and the army disembarks. The soldiers who come ashore are organized, well-supplied and well-armed as they begin their march inland. Only a few villagers stand in their way on the far border of the Nation. They are quickly dispatched as the invasion begins.

On the eastern side of the Tallspine Mountains, out upon the Mongol Plains, columns of black smoke can be seen rising high into the sky. So many fires burn upon the plain they are too numerous to count. The smoke signals are a call to battle, and it is rumored the Mongol Horde is on the move. Thousands of warriors are said to be gathering at the base of the range. They make camp at the beginning of the passes that snake through the mountains and into the Wolf Lands.

From the cold Barbarian northlands come reports of thousands of the dreaded Dragon Ships heading out to sea. As the winter ice melts away they leave from harbors and fjords all along the coast. It is said the longships sit low in the water as they row out, each laden with heavily armed barbarian warriors. Where the ships sail to is unknown, but rumor has it they go to meet at some rally point out upon the Northern Sea. Many fear once these ships come together on the open water they will make their way to the far northern coast of the Wolf Nation. There, it is thought, they will unload their cargo. A deadly battle-hardened Barbarian army.

The deadliest threat of all was an attack upon one of the most powerful Wolf Pack Long Halls in the Nation, the Altera Long Hall. The raid was carried out by an ancient enemy to all the free races, the deadly Druids Bane. These evil black sorcerers are servants of the Black Magic and lead an army of slave warriors and the vicious black Grim Wolves. They are a malicious, soul-stealing force that was thought to have been destroyed during a war that took place over fifteen hundred turns ago. These creatures, who were once men, are intent on killing off the Tundra Wolves and enslaving the people of the Wolf Nation.

The only force standing against these threats and attacks are the brave, but sadly outnumbered, Wolf Pack Rangers. These warriors fight from the backs of their mighty War Horses with their bond-mates, the great Tundra Wolves, running at their sides. While the Rangers fight to protect the lands, the Wolf Lords of the Provinces watch from behind the walls of their castles and strongholds. They bicker among themselves about petty concerns and hold back their armies as the threats grow deadlier around them.

The Wizards and Witches of the Wolf Lands gather their staffs and healing potions and travel to assist the people in need. One Wizard rides fast upon his War Horse for the Altera Long Hall. He is the Wolf Wizard Loke, the First Wizard of the Altera Province and the leader of his order. He rides upon his War Horse Alvanche, a stallion with a dark-brown coat, long black mane and tail. Thick black feathers cover the horse's three toed hooves and fly like flags in the wind as he runs. A big wolf with a swirling gray coat of many hues, and eyes of molten silver, runs at his side. The wolf is named Stormday. The Wizard hurries to look at the aftermath of the Druids Bane attack and to give aid to those injured at the Long Hall. As First Wizard, it is his duty to see to the well-being and safety of the Alteran people. When the Wizard arrives, he is furious at what he finds, the death and destruction caused by the ancient evil. He is saddened by the loss of friends who have died at their hands.

As the Wizard Loke walks among the bodies of friend and foe alike memories from a time long ago come to him from his bond-mate, Stormday. The Tundra Wolves can recall what their fathers, fathers, fathers have seen going back tens of thousands of turns. All the way back to their ancient ancestors, the Dire Wolves, through the power of the Wild Wolf Magic. The wolves can recollect the memories of their ancestors as if they were their own, and share them through the bond. The terror of the Druids Bane is revealed to the Wizard and the wolf, and they are dismayed by what they see in their mind's eye.

With the danger of more attacks growing day by day and the Wolf Nation surrounded by enemies, the Wolf Wizard knows he must act. It lies with him as First Wizard to travel to the royal palace that sits in the capitol city known as Wolfs Heart. The city is far, at the center of the Nation, and even upon the back of a War Horse will take several days ride to journey there. He must inform the Wolf King and the Provincial Counsel residing there of the threats against the people and compel them to order the Wolf Lords to assemble and put forth their armies.

The Wizard faces a dilemma as to the dangers that beset the Wolf Nation. The Druids Bane are in the north, the Elves say, in underground lairs below the Grimfang Mountains. They could undoubtedly be the greatest and deadliest threat of all, if they use history as a guide, and they are the greatest unknown. He knows he must journey beyond the Snow Forest and into the frozen Tundra to spy upon the black sorcerers and learn more of their evil force. However, he also knows that he must ride south. He must lend his voice to sway the King and the Counsel to force the Wolf Lords to act swiftly. The Wolf Pack Rangers face utter destruction if the armies do not come to their aid soon.

Unable to be in two places at once, the Wizard enlists four young warriors and their animal companions to make the journey north. He has no Rangers to spare for the dangerous mission. He warns them to travel in secret and to spy upon the Druids Bane from afar. He gives strict orders they are not to engage with the ancient foe in any way. They are only to learn the strength and numbers of the evil black sorcerers and report back.

The newly met companions set out on the journey traveling along the back trails of the northern countryside. They make for the wilds of the Snow Forest and eventually onto the vast frozen plain of the Tundra beyond. The Wizard promises to send what aid he can as they travel north. The four brave companions are not afraid of the journey they are to undertake. They are eager to accomplish the mission the First Wizard has tasked them with.

Unbeknownst to the brave little band, they are being spied upon and stalked in secret as they make their way through the wild countryside of the Wolf Lands. The four young warriors, and the animals that run with them, do not know the dire peril they are in. And their quest has only just begun.


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