Part Seven "Cloudberry Wine"

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The two Little Fliers and the two Sea Marines walked into the circle of standing stones to find Alvari adding more wood to the fire at the center. The three Tundra Wolves were laying on the grass busy cracking large bones that Natalia had given them. Bull Roar lay by Daisy on the other side of the fire, asleep and loudly snoring away. Tac and Till's eyes got round as saucers when they caught sight of the big mound of fur. WizLoke had told them of the cave bear, but its gigantic size still surprised them. Nothing could have prepared them for that. Daisy and the horses were all grazing on the sweet grass inside the circle. Natalia was still tending to Amber's wounds that were already starting to fester from the foulness of the Grim Wolf bite.

Alvari had been busy getting water, collecting arrows and hauling the dead Grim Wolf bodies out of the circle. He had just finished and was stoking up the fire, getting ready to cook something to eat. He thought everyone could do with some hot food instead of cold salted bullock and hardtack. As a pot of water was heating he cut up reindeer meat, potatoes and carrots to prepare a nice stew. He also pulled a couple of skins of cloudberry wine from the supplies and started sipping at one of them. He was starting to feel pretty good when the four walked into the circle.

All three of the Tundra Wolves stood and looked at the Little Fliers as they came in. Till was delighted to see the big wolves, she had met many of them in the last turn when she began flying over the Wolf Lands. Tac was a little apprehensive, being a turn younger than his sister he was new to flying over the Wolf Lands. He had met very few of the big wolves, only seeing most from afar. He followed his sister as she went to each giving the proper wolf greeting. Natalia and Alvari could both feel happiness coming through the bond. There was a special place in the hearts of Tundra Wolves for the Little Fliers. It was probably because of the close relationship they shared with the Red Wings. Tundra Wolves were of course very big so Tac got to look into the eyes of each one and could see their rather large fangs up close. He was very happy he was going to be part of their pack.

"Are you the ones we have to thank for our lives?" Alvari asked coming away from his pot over the fire. He wiped his hands on a cloth in his belt and took Till's hands in his own as he bowed.

"You must be Alvari. Yes, we attacked the Grim Wolves, my brother and I. Unfortunately, we lost our gliders, but we will stay with you on your journey. We gave an oath to the Wizard to do so." Till said.

Natalia walked up, also wiping her hands off and hearing everything Till had to say. She walked straight up to the two Little Fliers and gave Tac a warm embrace.

"Thank you," she said softly. "I owe you my life."

"Tis nothin', my Lady," Tac said a bit embarrassed.

Then to both of them she said, "I had no idea WizLoke would be sending Little Fliers to watch over us! We owe you a debt we cannot repay for your bravery and your sacrifice. Surely you were sent here to take charge of our little quest."

"Nay, my Lady," Till said as Tac shook his head behind her. "The Wizard made it clear that you are in command. He said we should consider you just as we would a Captain of the Rangers. As we did your father, Captain Greyrite, whom we've met and flew over for a bit." Till looked at Tac who was looking away blushing a bit.

"You've met my father!" Natalia said excitedly. "What a small world it is! I see there is a story here you must tell me about when we have time. However, that does not give me the right to be in command, WizLoke misspoke."

"I don't think so my Lady," Kal said stepping forward. "You've been giving the orders all the way to this point. There was never any question of who was in command in our minds." Kaleb, standing by his brother, shook his head in agreement with a smile on his face.

"Grim Wolf"   A Tundrawolf StoryWhere stories live. Discover now