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Your eyelids fluttered open. Your vision was a little blurry, but you were able to see the five people around your bed. You were in a very bland room, and sitting on a hospital bed. You sat up just barely when a man with blood shot eyes and wet cheeks uttered, "Y/N's up.". His chestnut colored eyes filled with tears as he drew near you. The five other people in the crowded room crept near the side of your bed. There was a man with a blue hair, a woman with platinum blonde hair, a curvy woman with brown hair, and a tall muscular man with curly hair hidden behind a stocking cap. Something felt odd about these visitors.

They came toward you looking relieved and worried at the same time. You felt something touch you hand. The woman with light blonde hair grabbed your hand.  "How do you feel?" She asked.  She seemed upset about you, but you felt uncomfortable around her. You didn't feel comfortable around any of these people.

"Who are you ?" You muttered, while being a little frightened by these faces.

"Y/N, it's us... it's me... your brother...Mark..." The man with dark hair and chestnut brown eyes explained. "And it's Ethan," He pointed at the boy with blue hair and emerald eyes who had come close to tears, "Amy," The woman with the blonde hair and smugged make up around her eyes. Her hand still entwined in yours. "Kathryn" He gestured to the brunette woman looked at you sorrowfully behind her glasses. "And Tyler." The curly haired man a frown on his face and looking at the ground and not able to make eye contact. There was a long silence. You took a look at everyone a second time and looked back at your "brother" and slightly shrugged at him with a blank expression. A tear slid down his cheek as he buried his face into you bed.

"Oh!  Doctor they're awake!"  A voice from outside the room stirred.  It didn't phase anyone in the room. All eyes were still on you. Multiple tears had been shed before a doctor came in the room. 

Every person looking at you with empty hearts. Not a breath could be heard. The only sound was your own breathing. The breathing which you could stop. The disappointment in each of the eyes that were upon you made your heart sink. Each of these strangers who you so easily let down by one simple shrug.

"Alright, if I could have everyone leave the room for a while. If you all would please stay afterwards then I will talk to you."

The group of unfamiliar faces seemed reluctant to leave your side, but left the room one by one with heads hung low. They had closed the door and it was just you and a man in a white coat. You didn't know what to think. You couldn't remember anything...

"Hello Y/N. I am Doctor Alfred Zimmerman. How do you feel?" The doctor introduced.

"I'm... very confused."  You responded.

"I don't blame you. You see, you are currently suffering from retrograde amnesia.  Meaning, you won't be able to remember anything prior to today. Everything you were taught is still in your brain, but your memories will not be able to return to you so easily."  You looked away from his stare.  You silently gasped. You had a blank slate for everything prior your life from this moment.  "But, with therapy you could eventually regain your memories.  We have a facility here in L.A.  We're going to have you here for a few more days, due to all of your injuries from the car crash.  Then you can return home with your friends and family."

"Car crash?" You asked.

"Oh yes. I apologize Y/N, I didn't explain to you. The cause for your amnesia is a car crash.  You have several wounds; you have broke your ankle, you have an injury below your hip, a cut along your arm, on your head, and a few scratches here and there.  I'm terribly sorry.  Is there anything you need? Would you like to be alone?" 

You needed to be alone. You needed to let all of this soak in. You didn't want a bunch of strangers surrounding you, that you didn't trust.  "I think I'll just rest for a while" You answered Dr. Zimmerman.  The doctor nodded and opened the door.  You could see faces peering into your room through the door slit for a split second until the doctor sealed the barrier between you and the world. You were relieved to be alone. All the attention had made your thoughts very muddled.

"Is Y/N going to be okay?"
"Will Y/N ever remember us?"
"When can we take Y/N home?"

Questions endlessly seeping from the mouths of the strangers.  The bright window had caught your eye. You believed you were in Los Angeles, according to the Doctor.   You saw a lot of buildings and traffic. It was beautiful, but it was an uncertain territory.

You felt a pain under your hip along the side of your leg. A huge gash was placed there from a stupid car accident. Questions kept flooding, but every question led back to the same question that pestered your mind.

"What happened?"

Authors Note
Heya there!  So this is my first ever story... yay...!  I was questioning doing a crankgameplays x reader out of this, but if any of you guys would like that I can make that happen. Any tips or suggestions would be great, I can't wait for what's in store!

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