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You woke up with a massive head ache. You looked around the boring room of white walls, and gray tiles. A women turned to you as your head throbbed in pain. She looked at you with gentle blue eyes as she asked "Sorry I woke you dear, but you need to take your medicine now." She handed you a glass as you reached for the pills in her other hand. She seemed like a nice middle-aged woman. You swallowed the pills with the water as she returned to her nursing activities.

"How do you feel?" She questioned. You could tell she cared. It felt different than being ambushed with the questions from earlier. Everyone was staring and expecting you to be someone who you didn't know. It felt as if the all were breathing down your neck.

"I feel fine. I kind of have a head ache." You replied.

"Well, your recovering a lot better than we thought."

"Ha... thanks... I guess..." Your thoughts started trailing, as you gazed out the window. The lights of LA against the black sky. A large world, none of which you remembered.

'You were recovering fast'... Then what? Where would you go?

"Hon, if you ever need some one to talk to, just let me know. I know it's probably hard for you to start a new life, not knowing who you were. But you have another shot at life! You can do what you want to do."

You were astonished. She took your breathe away. There was nothing else you could say besides, "Thank you." The nurse flashed you the most genuine smile you had ever seen. She left the room with only you and your thoughts. You felt... comforted. Ever since you had woken up earlier that day you felt overwhelmed. 

You hadn't even realized the kind nurse had left you a plate of food.  It was a bowl of soup with buttered bread and crackers on the side. There was a glass of water, along with a soup spoon and a thick napkin on the side. There was also a bright yellow sticky note that read "Just dial this number on the phone next to your bed if you ever need anything"

She seemed like a very nice woman. One that would bend over backwards to make anyone smile. Could you trust her with your questions?  You had so many, but, then again, she didn't know who you were before the accident.

Your eyelids felt like the heaviest weight in the world as you slowly drifted to sleep.



Your body sprang up in your bed as you heard the noise. Your hair covered half your face, as you looked around to see what the cause was. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to!" The nurse with soft blue eyes and dirty blonde hair in a low ponytail. She reached for the stray hairs that couldn't reach her ponytail and tucked it behind her ear. She whispered, "It's okay, just go back to bed." You tried to lie back down, but you had felt all rested out.

"Can't sleep?" The nurse turned to you as she picked up everything scattered on the floor .

"Yeah" You chuckled.

"I'm sorry. You'd still be sleeping if it weren't for me." She set the tools on the bedside table. She let out a distressed sigh retying her ponytail. She had dirty blonde hair with grey roots, but she didn't seem old.

"Can I ask you something serious?" You blurted.

"Of course." She answered. She looked concerned before you spoke. You saw her name tag on her shirt that spelled, "Jessica"

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