Chapter 14

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All day Saturday I spend avoiding my phone while I get everything ready for Auggie, the guest bedroom along with deep cleaning my home. I let my parents and Auggie know that I'll be busy, but I will be there at the airport to get him when he arrives. After I do that, I turn off my phone and tuck it away. All that's been running through my head is who could it possibly be that texted me. Who knows where I am, and did they tell anyone else? Yeah I sometimes get lonely here, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to welcome everyone here in the life I created for myself. I want to, but when I choose to.

I wake up Sunday morning, well at noon, and the first thing I do it turn on my phone, to my surprise it wasn't dead. What doesn't surprise me is the amount of text messages and missed call notifications that rush in. Most of them coming from Lucas. I'm not ready to talk to him.

I hurry to get ready, since I did wake up late, and I rush out the front door. I don't even give my car much time to heat up before I'm on the road. This week is going to be about spending as much time as I can with my brother. I promised myself and him that I wouldn't be working this week besides going in tomorrow for a work meeting, or unless I'm needed. He was pretty thrilled to hear that. Whenever my parents and Aug come to visit, I'm hardly around because of work not this time though.

As I drive, I plan a few things to do with Auggie. What do teenage boys like to do anyways? As I try to think of a couple things, my phone starts to ring. I usually ignore it when I drive, but what if his plane landed early, and he's wondering where I am. So this one time, I answer it, put it on speaker and place it in the middle in the cup holder.


Riley! You've been MIA. A voice whose is not Auggie greets me.

Maya, I've been MIA for years. I laugh at my own joke.

Not funny.

Sorry. I snicker.

I thought we were working on our friendship. If I did anything to make you-

Whoa. I cut her off. I had my phone off. You didn't do anything. I was just busy.

So, this had nothing to do with Lucas?

Maybe a little.

You know he wants to be with you. I can basically hear the smirk grow on her lips. And you want to be with him.

I really don't want to be talking about this right now. Look Maya, this is between me and him. I actually have to go. I'm just getting to the airport right now.

Wait, you're coming home?! I hear excitement in her voice.

I am home Maya. Auggie came to spend the week of me.

Oh. I hear sadness take the place of excitement.

I'll talk to you soon okay. Maybe even later today. Text me if you want.

I hear a sniffle. Bye Riles. I didn't mean to hurt her.

Bye M- I stop myself. Bye Peaches.

Y-Y-You just called me Peaches. I can tell by her voice she has a smile on her face.

I did. I'll talk to you soon. And with that I hang up my phone.

I was lucky enough to find a parking spot, good thing too because I'm a lot later than I thought. I hurry to park my car and run to entrance, but I don't make it inside. He is standing outside, and he looks a little annoyed.

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