Chapter 6

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After Leroy told me what exactly it was that he saw, I split everyone up Tessa, Rosaline, Leroy, Caleb, Ivy and Grant were to stay back in the van because they're the youngest and Grant was there to look after them so they're not on their own or could get hurt.

We split up into two groups of two (Me and Andre, Tobias and Blake) and one group of three (Felix, Ivy and Dean).

We search every possible house that didn't have the markings on them or ones that we hadn't searched yesterday and find nothing.

Until about an hour later we hear a lot of struggling on the other side of the street.

We sprint over the road and we see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Her waist long blonde hair was braided back in two, Rosaline calls them French braids. She had mud on her flawless skin making small freckles show up.

Her clothes were tight but looked comfortable, she was wearing black jeans with rips in the knee, white long sleeved shirt and black converse, they showed off her curvy but athletic figure.

That's when I see her eyes, they were a bright green almost like a emerald, they were filled with determination and hatred.

Suddenly, I take in my surroundings, we were in a back garden, there was a broken white fence and then I notice she's fighting about six Stinkers with about 15 dead around her, damn she was good.

We watch for a bit to see how she reacts to them, she's fierce.

We watch as she puts three down with her sword without missing a beat and she goes to finish off the others, what she didn't notice was that one had split off and was behind her.

I went to shout but she turned a performed a perfect round house kick sending it flying, she then grabbed one by its throat and sunk her knife into its eye socket.

Ivy turns away by the rest of us watch, waiting for the moment to step out.

There's a piercing scream from somewhere and the angel gets distracted she almost looked to lose all colour from her face and she stumbled towards the scream.

The two stinkers lunge at her, knocking her to the ground she struggles to get up, she kills one but its dead weight holds her down while the other one approaches her.

Not once did fear flash in her eyes, if anything more determination showed and frustration and a slight panic but i knew that was from the scream.

I run forward and stab its head making it drop to the ground, then me and Felix grip the one on top of her and yank it off.

She jumps to her feet with a surprising amount of grace, shouts a 'thank you' and sprinting towards the scream.

I watch her run away and notice that it was the same girl I saw when we came into the town, damn she was fast!.

"Rude" Ivy mutters I turn to face her fully now that the angel was out of sight.

"What?" I ask i didn't know why i just had the feeling that i had to defend her.

"I said rude, we just saved her life and she ran away" she explained.

"Maybe she recognized the scream, maybe it was a loved one. I know i defiantly I wouldn't wait and introduce myself if I heard Tessa scream" I say and she nods looking down at the floor with realization covering her face.

"Okay everyone let's follow her and see if they need anymore help" they nod and we run after her.

We catch up with her, she had dropped a few more Stinkers without breaking her stride.

"She's talented" Felix states watching her.

I nod "that she is, this just means we have more of a reason to add them to our group, her and her group would be a really good addition.''

We follow her and see a small house that she runs up to, she knocks on a few times and a guy that was huge in both height and muscles, he had a few guns on his belt and a knives in his palm.

He hugs her then they both disappear inside.

He must be the main strength of the group like Felix is ours.

We were left wondering who screamed and if anyone was hurt?

I hoped not, for all of their sakes.

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