Chapter 12

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Finding a safe place to camp we set up camp and Ma makes some food.

''Vi?'' Zach finds me looking at the woods.

''Yes handsome?'' I question him making his puff out his chest.

''Can we have some fighting lessons?'' he asks and I see Zoe a bit behind waiting for an answer, I nod my head motioning her forward.

''Of course guys! But not tonight okay? It's too late to do it tonight, we'll do some in the morning'' I hug both of them and kiss them both goodnight.

They grab some food and sit next to Ma and Pa, they're so young to be in the middle of this.

''Did they ask for lessons?'' Sammy asked and I nod ''Put them kick boxing lessons to use'' he laughs and I nudge him.

''I'm going to take the first half shift tonight I had a sleep in the car so Charlotte can't'' He nods knowing I was right and says that he'll take the last half.

After setting the camp up Ma, Pa and the twins go straight to bed leaving us three up for a bit, ''Right you two go get some sleep and Sammy I'll wake you up when I'm tired'' I say and the two nod.

I go over to the center of the camp site and listen, Peter comes running over sitting next to my feet ''good boy'' I say gently stroking his head that came to my waist.

A few hours later i heard a noise from the woods I was on alert watching for any movement but I found none, it was possibly an animal.

''Hey Vi, I'm up now you can sleep'' Sammy says making me jump ''Whoa you okay there?'' I nod and let him know before heading to the tent feeling a little uneasy.

But I trust Sammy enough that I know nothing will happen, it wasn't long before I feel asleep.

*Xanders POV*

After two days we were still following her group, I couldn't help but feel slightly protective over the group and I had no idea as to why.

The whole group was impressed with their organization and effort, they didn't need to communicate with words to know what was needed of them and they all had their own little parts to do.

We didn't see them as a threat at all but we all know how dangerous they could be, especially the girl. Yesterday when they came across that herd she took control showing no fear and planned everything perfectly as well as timing it perfectly as well.

At first we didn't know they were doing and we panicked a bit because we wasn't ready to show ourselves to them meaning if they turned round to head back we'd get caught however the Angel just got out of the van, set off an alarm and they continued.

Not to mention that we've noticed that she takes most of the night shifts, yeah we disagreed with it as no one can be on top form like that but apparently she can, at every noise she's alert, never once falling asleep.

but apart from that adding them to our group would be the best decision we could make, i just had to find a way to do it without causing any problems.

Recently i took it upon myself to find out a way to know each one and their roles.

i started with the huge guy because he had a big part in the group, he was the one who if the girl wasn't taking night shifts, he was and he was very loaded both with muscles and weapons. he also was very fit in the sense that he was very athletic. The girl also looked up to him and he will guide her to do certain things, as well as taking joined control of the group. He was also very good with cars and things like that.

next i looked at the small girl, she seemed to be almost second in control after the dude. She drove a lot and was stuck to the angel a lot. she was very loud but that helped us understand some of them, they were very funny people lets just say that. whenever the two leaders went out she was in charge and she took that very seriously, making sure she knew what was going on at all times.

i then looked at the two older people who seemed to be the parents, they both seemed to be the cooks and making sure the twins were okay and behaving, although they mainly had the final say they listened to the angel even if it upset them. Like the other night the mum cried because the angel took the night shift. The father seemed very wise and trusted the angel with their lives because he knew she could handle it and he also cleaned up the weapons regularly.

I then watched the twins, they were both very lively! Always play fighting and causing mishap, the little dude seemed to be the closest to the Angel and the girl was attached to his side. Even though she was shy she was the one coming up with the plans to cause trouble and he'd take the fall, but because he was the closer one to the Angel he wouldn't get in trouble. Very cheeky! He saw the good side of most situations however he also seemed to have a bad temper and that's where she calmed him down.

Lastly I watched the Angel, she was very strong willed and everyone looked up to her, she took control of most situations she was very smart, thinking things through completely before going ahead with it ,like the car thing earlier.

Right now she was on watch, Tobias was with me watching them but he accidentally stepped on a twig making it snap loudly and her to look up directly at us, we both froze and didn't dare move because it's clear she couldn't see us because she made no move to confront us.

Then the dude made her jump calling her ''hey vi'' so her name is Vi or was that a nickname?

She filled him in before going to bed, seems like we'll still be following them, we left while they were speaking so they didn't see the shadows. That was too close!

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