Chapter 22

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*Two days later*
*Xander's POV*

Everyone was worried because we reached the destination early hours of this morning and it was coming up to the third day when she said she'd be back.

Sammy and Grant have already tried convincing the group to go back early and find her but true to my word I said I'd wait five days so that's what I'll do.

The kids have been practicing everything Violet had taught them everyday for hours on end like their lives depended on it! They were getting good too.

Eleanor was crying in the RV and Cloyd was really down, it was weird how much new person changed the atmosphere of the group but then again this was Violet we were talking about.

When we watched her leave it was one of the hardest things the group had to do, we knew she'd be in a lot of danger, we also knew that there was a chance that she won't make it back but we were ignoring that for now.

Everyone was getting restless waiting, no one wanted to sleep because we all wanted to see that god awful car come down the road.

*day four of waiting*

It's been four days now and everyone is extremely worried, we all want to go back but Sammy keeps saying no that he has a feeling that if we leave something bad will happen like we'll miss something? No one knows what he is going on about but if he feels that then we need to trust him.

We hadn't left the exact spot for four days and everyone's eyes are strained from looking trying to see a car in the distance.

A few hours had gone by and we were all eating dinner, Leroy was up on the RV with Zoe keeping an eye out whilst they ate, Eleanor had finally stopped crying but now she's worse then a angry mother bear protecting her Cubs! She's vicious, whenever she said we're going back everyone moves to leave but then Samuel stops everyone!

She'd get mad and shout then calm down because one of the kids were scared, it was a vicious circle.

"Tomorrow Samuel! You said we'd wait till tomorrow and that is what we'll do, if she's not back by 6pm sharp we leave and I don't want no if, buts or what's about it!" She yells stomping into the RV.

"Damn your mum is scary" Tobias said to Samuel and he just shrugs.

"This is my sister we're talking about, she has everyone wrapped round her finger and my mums just worried, we all are but I swear we need to stay here! I want nothing more then to go looking for my sister but something just doesn't feel right about leaving! We need to be here and so help me I'll tie that lady up so we stay longer if we need to!" He says pointing to the RV.

"You got it dude" I nod. Tonight was going to be a long one.

*day 5 of waiting*

The kids were practicing as normal and they've been at it for about three hours and don't show any signs of stopping yet.
Eleanor has made herself very clear that she will be leaving at 6 even if she leaves on her own.

It was around noon time when we all sat down for lunch and Eleanor was telling everyone to start getting ready, the kids sat for a while to give their tummy's time to digest the food before they started practicing again.

"Look Samuel dude, I get that you have a feeling that we need to stay but we really can't, what if we left a note that she would only know to go back?" Grant said getting nervous about the time.

"That's actually a good I idea we could say go to the red, green and black! As in the coding!" Andre said.

"That's brilliant" Cloyd said getting started but Samuel just kept watching the road.

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