Part 16*

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His lips tasted like heaven with a little bit of mint mixed, was a short kiss but my heart was full. I was still numb, the warm of his lips was still placed on mines and I could feel them moving. He's voice brought me back to reality and I looked at him, we we're now on his tend lying on his sleeping bag and talking about his dad. He was telling me about some problems they were having and of how useless he felt. Just by his tone I could see how worried and hurt he was with his dad, making me feel bad knowing I couldn't do anything. His body was tensed and every time the word "dad" came out of his mouth he would tensed up a little more. I hugged him and felt his muscles relaxing a little bit, I didn't know what to do or say, I love his dad like my own, he was always there for me and my mom when we needed. I didn't want to say something that could end up with him getting mad at me or his dad, I know his hurt with his dad actions but I know he did it to protect him. A deep breath came out of his mouth and he hugged me thither pressing his lips on my forehead for a second.

"I'm sorry babe....I know you love my dad"

" Archie...I love your dad yes, he is the dad I never had and you know that...but I also love you and knowing how much your hurt right now it's breaking my heart. Listen...I don't want you to think I'm on your dad side because I'm not I'll always be on your side always....but I think you shouldn't be like that, he wants what's best for you. Yes he should have told you before but he was trying to protect you, in his head that was the right thing to do. You can't blame or be mad at him for wanting the best to you...he's your dad and loves you more than anyone in the world....well except me I love you way more."

He had been looking at me with no emotion. I know he was trying to understand everything I just said and thinking about it. Sometimes he would open his mouth to say something but quickly closed it after I say something, then a grin slowly appeared on his face I started to get sacred. What was he thinking? I didn't said nothing to make him grin like that....his hands that were resting on my back begun to slowly fall down my body making me shiver. His lips glued to mine moving slowly, I responded a second latter putting my hand on his neck, his tongue brushed my lower lip asking for permission, and me being the weak person I am quickly gave him entrance. The kiss started to get rough and I brought him closer intertwining his hair on my fingers. He tastes so good, my vanes were burning against my skin making my heart beat faster, his lips were addicting, his taste was like a drogue. He pulled me on top of him making a light moan flew out of my mouth. He smiled and deepened our kiss, his hands were now on my bum pulling me against him, those lips that were soft once were now strong against mines, his tongue searching my mouth, all the corners, making my body give up. I pulled his hair and moved closer receiving a grown from him. God how I loved that sound, he's going to be the death of me. I pulled back still feeling his taste on my lips and smiled to the read head boy.

"what? why did you stop? babe..."

"Our first time is not going to be in the middle of this stupid bugs and definitely not with our friend right here."

" got me started..."

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