Part 24*

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It's 2 a.m. what is he doing outside? I was having a really good dream with Dylan O'Brien and he woke me up. I put on my sweater, with the hood over the head, on my slippers and opened the door, revealing a really happy, shirtless Archie Andrews. Was he running or something? I could see small drops of sweat coming out of his hair and chest. He tried to hug me but I stopped him, a confused expression appeared on his face and I smiled innocently.

"You're all sweaty....don't you dare came near me sweetie."

He took a step closer and smirked, oh no...he's goin- "ARCHIE NO" his arms were holding me tight smashing my face on his wet chest. He was a disgusting human being, I tried to get off slapping his back, failing flatly, he was literally laughing at my face. I smiled and grabbed his junior making him stop brutally. His breath was getting heavier and I could feel all his muscles tensing up. A cough made me jump and I detached our bodies almost falling, my cheeks were burning. My mom was standing there staring at us with a funny face, did she saw me...?Oh god. Archie hided his boner with his hands and smiled awkwardly.

"Hey Miss Miler...."

"Hi Archie. Can I ask you what are you doing here at 2 in the morning?"

He looked at me asking for help. What am I spouse to say? I was doing that same question 2 minutes ago! I looked at her and smiled pretending nothing has ever happened in here. My mom gave me a known look and tried, real badly, to hide her laugh, this was not funny, her eyes meet his dark ones still wanting an answer.

"I'm....I came here to talk with Emma...."

She laugh and nodded her hair, "talk....okay." she said turning around and going upstairs, in the middle she lowered herself making eye contact with me."There's condoms in the know for your "talk"." I opened my mouth in shock and now was his turned to laugh.I looked at him and slapped his really attractive torso, this guy got abs... He pouted and pulled me closer living kisses from my cheek to my neck, I smiled and hugged his neck pulling him even closer, I only have three more days with him and my heart is slowly breaking. How am I spouse to be one month without him? I need his bear hugs and nose kisses, he's the only reason I smile sometimes. And now he's going away for 30 fucking days and I'll be by myself missing him every day, thinking about all those girls flirting with him and looking at my baby. I connected our lips and enjoyed every second trying to memorize every single detail of his kiss. He liked his lips and smiled looking in my eyes.

"I need to ask you something you want to come with me and my dad on vacations?"

" What?"

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