6: Hope?

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I didn't almost forget to put this out today, what are you guys talking about? *awkward laughter*

Zip's POV

There was a slight breeze. It stirred the ashes at my feet. I raised my head, looking up at the sun that was almost at the midday position. Was this that late already? How long have I been sitting here? Where are the others? I slowly stood up, brushing off the ashes that stuck to my hands. I looked around the deserted house. In one corner, my dad's red scarf lay, somehow unscathed. Something had been tied at the end of it. Curious, I walked towards it and picked it up. It was a letter wrapped in leather so it would resist the fire for longer. The edges of the page had been burnt but apart from that, it was fine. I unrolled it and saw my dad's name signed at the end. It was from him!

Zip, I don't have much time to write this. Something is wrong with the mobs. They are stronger than normal and will take several stabs to the heart before they die. They work together much better than they did ever before. Any plan we tried to make to defeat them was crushed. Something is not right. You need to find out what it is and put things back to normal, or humanity will be crushed. I love you very much my daughter. Go and take your diamond sword. You are ready.


My hands trembled. I read the note again and re-read it before folding it up and putting it in my pants pocket. I walked into where my mum and dad's room was and kicked at the ashes until I found the trapdoor. I lifted it up, reached inside and brought out a sword that was wrapped in cloth. Unwrapping it, I gently stroked the razor sharp diamond blade with my hand. I won't fail you dad, I silently promised. I took of my stone sword and replaced it with my diamond one. I walked out of my house, a fully qualified warrior.

Alex's POV

A few years ago, my parents died when a creeper blew up our house. Now, the orphanage where I lived was destroyed by fire. Even if my parents had survived the creeper blast, what difference would it have made? They would have been killed by this mob attack anyway. At least they died with no pain in the creeper blast, and not in the chaos that this would have been. The thought didn't make me feel any better. Without meaning to, I remembered my last conversation with my parents. It was in the afternoon. I was going out to the shops to trade for some food, like I always do. I told them I would be back soon, without realising that I was never going to see them ever again. The last time I heard my dad speak was when he asked me to check that the bow was still hidden in the park.

Wait. The bow was still hidden. It was still there! I scrambled to my feet, running through the streets. I remembered exactly where to go and I practically flew down the streets, turning left, right, right, left and right again until I reached the park. I looked for the tree that the chest was buried under, but they were mostly burnt. I went up to each stump, looking for the mark that my dad had made. I found his initials on the third tree I checked. I dug at the ground below with my hands. It wasn't very effective but it was all I had.

I dug for ages until my hand hit something solid. I fumbled around the dirt until I found the latch and I lifted the lid of the chest. Inside lay a glowing bow with a single arrow. I took out the bow and strung it, testing its weight. The enchantments that had been put on it were carved in glowing letters: Punch II, Flame I and Infinity. The bow my dad had made from scratch. I put my plain bow inside the chest, closed it and slung my new bow on my back. I looked around. I had to find the others, and the best place to go would be to the village main square.

Tim's POV

I couldn't move. I had failed my mum. Failed my sister. Failed my dad. I wasn't there to protect them when they needed me. If I had just been there... I knew that there was nothing that I could have done. But if I had... I might have been able to change something. I glanced at my axe that had dropped to the ground. My dad had given me that to protect my family. I didn't deserve it. I didn't protect my family.

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