Chapter 3 - Breakfast, Snow Play, & Fireside

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December 4th, 2017

7:45 AM

It was an adjustment, but long overdue, for the guys to allow themselves to sleep in the next morning. With all of their kids together though, it didn't last as long as they would have hoped.

For Brian and Leighanne however, they had never been so relieved to have a teenage son capable of taking care of himself. The couple had been awake since six-thirty, snuggling and frolicking in bed.

Tangling his fingers in her long blonde hair, Brian nuzzled his wife's slender neck. "Good morning so far, sunshine?" he said softly.

"You know it," she murmured into his ear, tracing her finger over the faded scar centering his chest. Nineteen years had passed since that frightening day, and nineteen years later he was still her strong warrior.

"Doesn't have to be over yet..." Brian said smoothly, his hand drifting down her back. Leighanne giggled and leaned in to kiss him, her palms slipping to his shoulders. They held each other, their movements growing more sensuous.

Just as things were heating up, there was a knock at the door.

"Mom, Dad! Breakfast at eight thirty," Baylee called from outside. "Just wanted you to know."

Listening as his son's footsteps disappeared down the hall, Brian looked back at his wife.

"Plenty of time," he grinned mischievously and in a sudden swift movement swung himself over so he hovered above Leighanne. With her eyes full of desire, she gave herself over to him once again.

8:29 AM

Kristin had slowly made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen, having had a partially restless night. She saw all the kids sitting at the counter, and in front of them plates of French toast drenched in maple syrup and melting butter.

Howie was at the stove, finishing off what amount of egg mixture was left on a piece of bread before slapping it on the griddle. Leigh was next to him with Rochelle fixing a bowl of fruit salad for everyone to share. Nick and Lauren sat on one of the sofas with Odin still sleep in his mother's arms, and A.J. was reclining in the big easy chair with Sasha dozing on his chest.

"Morning, beautiful," Kevin rose from one of the other couches and came up behind her, hands on her shoulders as he kissed her cheek. She smiled tiredly.

A moment later Brian and Leighanne walked in, faces bright and alert unlike some of the others. Kristin could tell they had been awake for a while...

"Okay guys, come and get it!"

Howie plated the rest of the batch of French toast, passing them down to all the adults before serving himself. They all stood around the counter and ate with the kids.

"So," A.J. spoke up after a few moments, "I guess we're jumping right into it, huh? Soon as breakfast is over, we'll bring out the snow clothes?"

"Yeah!" Mason cheered. "I wanna build a fort! We can have a snowball fight!"

"Sounds good to me, bud," Kevin agreed.

"Daddy, what about snow angels?" Ava tugged on her father's shirt.

"Of course, baby," he nodded.

"I wanna make a snowman!" James called out. "Me too!" added Holden.

"Woah, alright then," Howie chuckled looking over at his bandmates. "Guys, I think we better speed things along."

9:07 AM

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