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I grabbed his fist, searching his tightened features as he glared over his shoulder at me, anger fueling his motions, "What the hell, man?" I asked angrily as Wes gripped his face tightly, blood pouring from his hands and onto the floor.

"I don't have to explain myself to you!" I heard Ian growl at me as he pulled his arm from my grip. I looked back to see Eden tucked beneath Sunny's arm. Tears spread across her cheeks as his hands held her shoulders firmly to prevent her from getting too close to the chaos. The crew scrambled behind the equipment, screaming over one another. Ian shoved Wes' shoulders before anyone could pounce at him, a loud bang echoing through the room as his head hit the wall.

Everyone ran to assist Wes, but I walked to Eden as he stormed out of the room, "Should I go talk to him?" I asked her nervously as Sunny dropped his arm, moving toward the chaos quickly. Eden shook her head, her features overwhelmed with fear and sorrow as the crew crowded around Wes, "Let's get out of here!" I told her hesitantly, tucking her beneath my arm and guiding her away.

Ian was no where to be seen as we approached the elevator, "Take me to your place," she cried to me as she wiped her eyes, "I don't want to be here anymore."

I walked with her to my car and opened the door, shutting it tightly before moving to the driver's side. We watched from our parking space as Ian backed out of the parking lot, zooming away, "Everything's going to be okay." I told her hopefully as the sound of sirens began to echo.

She sat completely silent in the front seat until we arrived at my house, "We need to talk," she told me with distant eyes, "There's something I need to tell you."

I walked her inside and shit the door. We took a seat on the couch beside one another in the dimly lit room, "You look like you need to rest," I told her, moving my hand to brush her hair from her face. I was afraid of what she had to say, but knew that I couldn't avoid it. When she remained silent, I spoke again, saying nervously, "Let me do something first."

When she looked at me I swallowed my fears and leaned in quickly, pressing my lips against hers for a moment before I felt her pull away. The connection that was once there had disappeared and tears continued to stream down her face as she pulled away from me. Her eyes locked on mine as I waited for a reaction, but my heart dropped at her response. It broke inside my chest, shattering into thousands of tiny pieces. I watched her face fall pale and her hand began to shake beneath mine as her lips parted, the words refusing to leave her lips. "I'm pregnant."

Every other sound in my mind silenced as she spoke, her voice ringing in my ears as my mind disconnected itself from my body. My heart dropped in my chest, falling into a dark pit of anger and despair as the words registered. I met her fearful eyes as she cried, tearing her glance away from me as she folded herself into her knees beside me.

I couldn't respond, my mind at a loss for words as she cried into her arms. We sat in silence and a tear escaped my eye as I turned to sit straight on the couch, a hole in my heart where the thought of having her used to be, "This is all my fault." I finally spoke, my own guilt tearing at my mind, "I should've watched the road. If I could've prevented the accident, none of this would have happened!" I exclaimed angrily and sat frozen on the couch.

"I'm so sorry," she called to me through her tears, "I'm so sorry for everything."

I shut my eyes tightly and turned to face her, gently tugging at her arms until she faced me, "I love you," I told her truthfully with everything in my heart, "I've loved you since Winter Games when we got that apple into our mouths without using our hands. We're perfect together, Eden."

Her eyes fell and I placed my hands around her face, "We can get through this," I pleaded with her and she gently shook her head, "Let's try." I leaned in once more, placing my lips against hers. She didn't pull away, but a horrible feeling I guilt traveled through my body.

"I don't feel anything," she cried as she pulled away from me. I understood, holding my hand over my chest as my eyes fell, "It can't work. Everything is telling us that it won't."

"Isn't that just another reason to keep trying?" I asked with the little bit of hope that remained. She shook her head and I felt another tear escape my eye, "I understand." I forced myself to say to her, "The baby needs its father in the picture."

"I'm so sorry," she called again to me as she wiped her tears, "I didn't want you to find out like this."

I was silent, hesitant to say anything more to her about how dead I felt inside. We sat for a moment before I spoke to her, suggesting, "Let's go find Ian," I let put a forced huff, "We can't have him acting like this."

She was silent, but she followed me to my car. We arrived at Ian's house and walked inside to find him sitting at the kitchen counter in complete silence, "Ian, we need to talk." I demanded hesitantly and he quickly turned.

"I can't tell you anything!" When he saw his sister standing beside me he paused, watching her as she stepped toward him.

She wrapped her arms around her stubborn brother and he sat completely still, not returning her hug. Feeling out of place, I slowly inched back toward the door. I took one last glance at her before turning away, a tear traveling down my face and splashing onto the ground.

I drove to the hospital and walked toward the elevator to find Anthony on his way out, "Hey, where is Eden?" He asked me eagerly.

"Ian's," I told him quickly as I avoided his eyes, anger traveled through my blood as I pushed toward the elevator.

"Are you okay?" He grabbed my shoulders as I moved to step toward the elevator. He shook his head and his eyes fell as he looked at me, "She told you." Another tear fell and he pulled me into him, "Lasercorn, you don't need to be here."

"I just came to check up on a friend," I had convinced myself, but felt the anger pulling at my heart.

"If you go up there, you're going to regret it," he told me firmly, "Learn to be okay with friendship. Don't ruin your every chance of being near her."

He guided me away and followed behind my car until I returned to my house. Collapsing on my bed, it felt like nothing could fill the giant hole in my heart.

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