You Don't Have A Choice

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Today is May 25th, 2012. Graduation day. It's also been almost six months since I've seen Alex.

Tomight, All Time Low is playing here in Baltimore.

But I don't care. Because I'm completley over him. Gianna and Casey have helped me move on, and now, I barley even think about him anymore. And that's good, because tomorrow, I leave for Italy.

My mom and my brother, Dino, were here today to see me graduate from college. It felt amazing to see them again.

They finally got to meet my boyfriend.. Yes, Casey and I are officially dating. And we're even planning on moving back to Italy together and moving in together.

And I got to meet his family. His mom and dad seemed so friendly. So did his brother, Liam. But his sister, Kendra, on the other hand.. Not so much.

She gave me nasty looks, and I don't exactly know why. But I decided to act friendly anyways.. Because there's no reason to try and fight fire with fire. No one will win.

I was sitting in my seat outside, waiting for this damn thing to be over with already, my ass has never hurt so bad. My last name started with a C, and we were now on the S's.

I glanced up into the stands and smiled at my mom and brother. A few rows behind them, someone caught my eye. This guy looked exactly like Alex. But clearly, it wasn't. He has a show tonight, why would he be at my graduation ceremony?

But the fact this guy looked so similar to him, I was freaked out. So I only looked at him for a second before looking away.


I was finally back in my own roomToday is May 25th, 2012. Graduation day. It's been four months since the stupid fight I had with Gianna. Five months since the fight with Alex. Gianna and I made up a week later and we're back to our normal selves. Someone I haven't made up with yet: Alex.

Speaking of Alex, today his stupid movie Straight To DVD was released. (AN: I know STD came out in 2010, but I realized that after I already set the dates for the story and wrote the chapters and shiiiiiiit).

But I don't care. Because I'm completley over him. Gianna has helped me move on, and now, I barley even think about him anymore. And that's good, because tomorrow, I leave for Italy.

My mom and my brother, Dino, were here today to see me graduate from college. It felt amazing to see them again.

I was sitting in my seat outside, waiting for this damn thing to be over with already, my ass has never hurt so bad. My last name started with a C, and we were now on the S's.

I glanced up into the stands and smiled at my mom and brother. A few rows behind them, someone caught my eye. This guy looked exactly like Alex. But clearly, it wasn't. He's on another tour. But the fact this guy looked so similar to him, I was freaked out. So I only looked at him for a second before looking away.


I was finally back in my own room. In Olmetti, Italy. Finally. I laid down on my bed and looked around the room. So many memories flying through my mind. It was crazy.

I already had three job interviews in the next couple of days. I can't wait to start working.

Casey and I were sitting on my bed, on my laptop, scrolling through apartment buildings near by. We're going to start small.

We set up a couple tours with realtors and such.

We decided to go get dinner at a nearby Bar & Grill before we go check out these apartments.

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