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When we finally arrived at Mrs. Elsie's house, the car's brakes screeched as we slowed down to take our turn to the driveway. Mrs. Elsie heaved a sigh and turned off the ignition, and turned over her shoulder to look at me. "Get your stuff Jessica." she ordered. "We are having pea soup tonight.

My stomach growled when those words came out of her mouth, I nodded with a smile on my face and grabbed my bag and opened the car door. I shut the door and gazed across the small patch of forest about ten yards ahead of me. The cricket's chirps echoed around the neighbor hood, and I flinched when I heard some kind of owl screech loudly. Mrs. Elise hollered my name, I turned around quickly and saw that she was standing impatiently at the front porch. I got a better grip on my bag and trotted over to the porch. Mrs. Elsie gestured her hand inside, and i obeyed and walked inside.

The house reeked of cigarette smoke and beer, and I saw pizza boxes littered all over the floor by one of the chairs that was pointing towards the TV. On that chair, was a really fat girl, her double chin looming over her chest, and she was stuffing her face with cheese pizza. I suddenly lost my appetite when I saw the fat girl burp and shove almost a whole pizza in her face, I turned away and walked to the kitchen before I felt like puking. I saw Mr. Elsie, who had his face buried in one of those inappropriate magazines with half naked women on them. Mrs. Elise led me to a seat and I took it, setting my bag next to me on the floor. She set bowl of pea soup in front of me with a spoon along with it. I thanked her and took a bite of the steaming frothy broth with a few peas into my mouth.

"Rachel! Where is my soup?" Mr. Elsie yelled, not looking up from his magazine.

Mrs. Elsie clenched her fists, I could tell that Mr. Elise was a pain in the ass, so my like for him went down by several numbers. "I'm coming Jon." she said.

"Well, hurry up!" he shouted.

Rachel huffed and quickly spooned some soup into a bowl, and walked over to Jon and set it down firmly in front of him. "Your welcome." she said.

Jon said nothing, not even thank you, he just set down is gross magazine and scooped up a spoon full of soup and shoved it in her mouth. Rachel got herself some food and sat next to me. I felt a little awkward sitting next to her, but I kept that feeling from showing. "Now, Jessica." Mrs. Elsie began, resting her elbow on the table, her hand limp. "I need to tell you some rules."

"Okay." I said.

"Do not come into me and Jon's room for ANY reason. Got that?"

I nodded, I didn't want to go in there anyway.

"And do not protest, or else you'll be grounded."

Jesus, you are harsh. I thought to myself. That woman was not abusive, but she definitely was not on my "favorite people" list.

"And if you disobey our commands, you will be whipped 5 times. Hard."

That was it, my like for this messed up family went down to zero.
I nodded to let Mr. And Mrs. Elise that I understood. Then the fat girl came in from the living room.
"Mom, I want ice cream" she said in a highly unintelligent voice.

"But you gotta eat pea soup first." Mrs. Elise replied, stirring her spoon in her soup.

"But I had pizza. Now I want ice cream!" Whined the fat girl.

Mrs. Elise lots her temper, she banged her fist on the table and arose from her chair. "No! Not until you had soup Carlen!"

Carlen jumped up and down during her temper tantrum. She was so immature, she looked at least thirteen. She whined once more and thumped towards the freezer and grabbed out a carton of strawberry ice cream. She slammed the freezer door shut which knocked down a cup full of utensils that landed on the floor and scattered everywhere. Carlen stuck her tongue out at Mrs. Elise, (she prefers to be called that instead of Rachael) and stormed upstairs. "That spoiled brat...." Mrs. Elsie huffed. "We got to teach that girl some manners."

Mr. Elsie said nothing, he just turned to another page in his gross magazine.

* * *

After dinner, Mrs. Elise showed me my room and let me unpack my things. I set my files clothes on the bed and pulled out my phone charger and plugged it in to a nearby outlet. Afterwards, I picked out a pair of Pjs and walked to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I slipped out of my clothes and tossed them aside on the bathroom floor. Then I put on my pink pajamas and brushed my teeth. A few minutes later then I was all ready for bed. When I opened the door, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Caren standing in front of me, her eyes full of anger. "What do you want?" I asked in the most polite way I could, so I didn't sound freaked out in Carlen's presence

"You took to long." She growled.

I raised my eyebrow. "I was only in there for five minutes, Carlen." I said back.

"Well, still! You took to long!"

I didn't want to start a fight, so I just said nothing and walked away. "Yeah, you better run away Barfica clown!" She spat.

Barfica clown? The Barfica part I thought was just plain stupid. But I didn't appreciate the clown part. I just continued to ignore Carlen and walked down the hall to my room. When I heard moaning sounds coming from Mrs. Elsie's room, I walked over there because I thought she was hurt. But when I peeked through a keyhole, she was definitely NOT hurt. Her and Mr. Elsie were wrestling under their covers, then I saw Mrs. Elsie's naked thigh pop from under the cover. I abruptly turned away and nearly gagged with disgust and went in my room.
I shut the door and flopped on my bed. I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and decided to check in on my parents.
I said hello and asked them how they ate doing and waited for them to reply. I few seconds later, they did.

Hey baby! How's
Mrs. Elsie's?

Fine, I'm just
In bed. How's the ride?

It's going good.
Your dad got sea sick
(As usual)
And there is a small storm but it should go away.

Oh, well, just be safe.
And lol.

Well, I have to go
Now sweetie,
It's dinner time for
Us 😉

Ok, love you

I love you too! 🤗

With that I shut off my phone and set it down on my bedside table. I wrapped myself up in the blankets, and lay my head on the rather hard pillow. Then my phone rang, I leaned over to the bedside table and saw that it was Casey; she wanted to FaceTime.
I tapped the "accept" icon on my screen and waited for the connection to load the call...

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