Chapter 8 (Mystery Video)

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Matt's POV

Once we were upstairs, J-Fred pulled me to a stop."Calm down. The video isn't going anywhere." He laughed as he mocked me.

"Could you imagine the humiliation? He had full liberty over whatever he posted on our channel." I panicked slightly. We made it to the room I once shared with Amanda. I booted up my laptop and logged into the Team Edge account.

J-Fred used his butt to bump me over in my desk chair so that we were both sharing the seat. I hit play on an unfamiliar video titled Happy Anni-bro-sary.

Instantly the sound of slow, yet upbeat music filled the room. My brows furrowed in confusion as an image of Bryan holding up a wine glass at mine and Amanda's wedding four years ago appeared on the screen. In the background, I could see J-Fred and me laughing happily in front of a half-eaten cake. On the picture was the words 'Bros Will Be Bros'.

The picture changed, in a slideshow sort of fashion, to one of the three of us from an old video. J-Fred was on the left, obviously in the middle of a laugh that had a wrinkle forming on his nose and a sparkle gleaming in his eyes. I was on the right making a face only a mother could love and facing my two brothers. Bryan was in between the two of us with the same sparkle in his eyes as Joey, but the tip of his tongue was hanging out of his mouth. I could tell he was the reason J-Fred and I were giving the reactions we were. The caption across the bottom said 'We Laugh' in all black letters.

The picture changed again to one where Bryan was smashing a piece of cake in J-Fred's face. It was obvious he had just lost a challenge and a face full of cake was his punishment. I was in the background this time, laughing as J-Fred's face turned to avoid getting anything in his eyes. The caption said 'We Fight' in black letters once again. I wanted to laugh because we weren't actually fighting in the picture, but the image changed on the screen, stopping me from doing so.

Here it is, Omegagirly, chapter 8. Guys, I promise I haven't forgotten about this story. My focus has honestly just been elsewhere, but I'm sorry for not updating in so long.

I'm so happy with all the support and love this story is receiving. Three-thousand reads!!! That's incredible. I promise chapter 9 will be out soon with the rest of what's in their mystery video. Keep voting, keep commenting, I absolutely love every single one of you, and I will see you in the next chapter. Buh-bye!!!

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