Crybaby Hart

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We woke up and rushed to school. After last night, I couldn't really think straight.. It was so magical..

We arrived at school and Lucas walked in on time then I walked in 10 minutes late. Nobody was too suspicious except Riley. I needed to talk to her, she's probably been trying to get ahold of me for the whole weekend. I started daydreaming then fell into an oddly deep sleep.

We were at camp, Lucas and me, shooting guns in the range, The Boss walks in and decides to test Lucas and I at the same time. He asks me to stand in front of the target and Lucas to aim at me. He hesitated, "Do it." The boss said I gave him a nod to say it was ok. He pointed it at me but moved his finger from the trigger and safety. The boss started getting angry and asked Lucas to turn the safety off and put his finger on the trigger. Lucas did as he was told but I could see the sweat forming on his forehead. "Lucas, on the count of 3, I want you to shoot at the top of her left ear. If you hit it, you live, if you miss, you die." 

"I won't do it." Lucas said.

The boss held a gun up to his head and cocked it.  "3.." Lucas looked at me and I was unable to move or speak. "2.." Lucas gulped and lined the sights up. "1.." Bang.

I was unharmed but  Lucas crumpled to the ground. "Maya," he said. I ran over to him and put his head in my lap. "Lucas, I'm sorry!" I said, starting to cry. "I never should've followed you and I never should've joined this camp. I'm sorry!!"

"Maya, It's ok." he said

"No! It isn't! you are dying in front of me how is this ok?!?!" I yelled with tears rolling down my face rapidly.

"Maya.. Maya.. Maya.. Maya.. Maya!" Lucas said.  I opened my eyes and I was in a small closet.

"Lucas? Where am I?!" I said, rubbing my eyes and feeling that my cheeks were wet.

"You fell asleep in class and I started noticing how beautifully you slept," I blushed, "but then you started crying in your sleep and I carried you away so you wouldn't be seen crying and further be known as Crybaby Hart." He said.

"Awww Little Huckleberry takin care of me." I kissed him on the cheek and he looked at me oddly.  "What? Not enough?" I crashed my lips on his and he buried his hands in my hair while I wrapped my hands around his neck. 

"Still not enough." Lucas said as we pulled apart. 


HELLO MY COWPEOPLES!!! I'm soooo sorry I havent updated in more than a month.... I've been preoccupied.. BUTT here's another chapter for youuuuuuu!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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