The Beginning

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Changkyun, 2nd year student, known as delinquent in High School. Good at nothing, sometimes expressionless,  and skill at making trouble. He never respected toward anyone and no one has gut to talk to him. He was a loner, a grumpy cat, king of poker face, trouble maker and anything bad titles given by some students and teachers.

Spring season came. For some people this season was a great moment to spend more time with your friends, lover, family but not for changkyun. He hated almost everthing beautiful or pretty in this world. Since his parents separated he started to careless with his life and people around him. He always cursed whenever he saw lovey dovey couple passed by.
'Fuck off'
'You guys are disgusting'
He didn't care about manner and attitude.  For him, that two words were meaningless. He didn't need them and he would never begged people to respecr him either.

One day, his school welcomed transfer  student. Changkyun could figured it out when this new student presence  appeared, standingin front of his class. Pink haired with such cheekbones smile standing with some girls around him, asking some boring questions.
"Oppa are you second year?" Asked a student cutely.
"Yikes," Changkyun responded from his seat. He plugged his earphones as he wanted avoid those fangirls so badly.

After his class ended  changkyun got up from his seat and walked to the cafeteria. All students quickly stepped aside when they saw changkyun got out from his class. No one dared to face him, or they would got in trouble.
'Dumbass' changkyun thought. 
After he arrived at cafeteria he found a empty table and sat there.
Every student who came to cafeteria deliberately let the table empty. They didnt want sat in the same table with the delinquent. If they did the atmosphere would become darker and silent.

The loner was sitting alone with some fries and banana milk on his table, he comfortably put his legs on table while listening a music through his earphones just like usual.
Suddenly someone came to interrupted his peacefulness. Everyone looked at him and some of girls whispered to him. Asking him to join with them instead of looking his own death. The pink haired boy was confused for awhile. He just gave humble smile as a sign that everything would be fine and started to sit politely with changkyun.
"Umm, can you please get your legs out from table...please." asked the pink haired guy politely without knowing who changkyun truly was. He didnt shiver at all nor a little bit scared  with changkyun. Changkyun himself didnt move as the pink haired asked. He just gave him annoyed gaze or maybe 'get the fuck out from my sight' gaze. Again the pink haired guy didnt feel threatened by the treat. Seeing changkyun didn't  move make him thought that the boy didnt hear what he was asking earlier. So, he took the first move which moved his legs out from table until those legs reached the floor.
"Yah!" Changkyun immediately turned off his mp3 and yelled harshly at the guy. All student in cafeteria  stared to feel scared, trembled. Some girls began to pray quietly, hoping for the new student safety.
"Who did tell you to sit here ?!"
"B...but there is no more seat..." the pink haired boy answered.
"Who the fuck care about that ? You can sit on the floor but not here !" In the middle of dark atmosphere, a student quietly came and asked the guy to join with him in the other table, it was full but that was the great choice  rather than facing changkyun's mad.

"Next time just sit us, dont ever come over to him again." Said hyungwon, the pink haired guy's classmate.
"But why ?"
"Why ? Dont you see they way he was yelling at you ?" Said Hyungwon seriously yet confused because his new classmate expression didnt seem scared at all.

While they were talking about how dangerous the person was, cangkyun silently  fell asleep, his face on the table as well, covered his face with his wrists lazily  while listening to his mp3 player. His favorite song was playing and he slowly felt dozen off.
Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
Just a touch of the fire burning so bright
No I don't want to mess this thing up
I don't want to push too far
Just a shot in the dark that you just might
Be the one I've been waiting for my whole life
So baby I'm alright, with just a kiss goodnight
Changyun maybe didnt like cheesy nor sweetness things in his life but this song wa exception for him. He didn't know why he loved this song from Lady antebellum. Couldn't refuse but enjoyed every lyric that came to his mind, made his madness and hatred to this world decreased.

School's bell rang and all students ready to go home. Changkyun was walking to his house with hands on his pocket. He used to take shortcut path so he could arrived sooner. In the middle of his walk to home, he accidentally saw the same person who was ruined his mood at cafeteria a while ago, being bullied by other students from their school. Those are senior students who felt annoyed by new transfer student.
At the first place, changkyun didnt care about what was happening to him.
'Its your bad luck' he thought.
But he changed his mind when the sound of cutter echoed in his ears. Changkyun ran his legs toward them and kicked them out without giving any moment for those bullies to get up.
He grabbed one of them, punched him and threw him to the group, same things happened to the rest bullies.
He didnt give any shit for anyone who dared threatened weak people like that.
"WHAT WERE YOU EXPECTED BY SHOWING YOUR CUTTER LIKE A THAT !! YOU PATHETIC DUMBASS ?!" No one has gut to speak after getting beaten by changkyun. Changkyun took the cutter away from his senior and directed it at senior's face.
"What if i draw something on your face ? Would you like it ?" Unexpectedly the bullied guy reached changkyun's hand and pulled him away.
"HAJIMA!?" he was scared if changkyun really did that. Threatening them like he would do that for real.
All of them took quick escape when the guy successfully prevent changkyun from what he was going to do.

"Tch!" Changkyun threw away the cutter and continued his walk without saying anything. His senir followed him from behind, head bowed, step by step following the guy who saved him from bullies.

"What the fuck do you want ?" Changkyun who was out of patience stopped and made his senior bumped his head onto changkyun's back. He was so nervous and also scared.
"Umm...i just wanna ... be friend with you." Answered the pink haired guy quietly, still bowing his head.
"Fuck you, i dont need friend, what weirdo !?"
"But you helped ne earlier, doesn't  it mean we are friend now ?"
For a moment changkyun didn't respond. He turned back with fist ready to knock the guy down. Seeing that warning, the guy also quickly stepped back faster. Surely far away to make Changyun  unable to reach him.
"MY NAME IS YOO KIHYUN !!! AND I'M  YOUR FRIEND, RE-MEM-BER YOO KIHYUN!" after yelling like that the guy named Kihyun ran away because he thought changkyun might  chase him and kick him right on his ass.
Meanwhile, changkyun who stood without knowing what happened to the guy named kihyun only think that guy was crazy and needed his leg to kick him to mental hospital. Although he didnt care, changkyun without realizing it memorized the name. It was the first time someone dared to talk to him and approached him to ask a friendship which changkyun never gave nor showed.

'Yoo kihyun'


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