Day 2 (Warmth) pt. 2

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The room was very quiet just like usual, just like everyday, at least whenever his friend wasnt in the house, out for college. 
changkyun was sittig there, on the sofa. there was a TV but the owner was too lazy to turn it on and let it blank. he didnt have anything to do since all chores already done by friend who appeareantly a grandchild of his butler.

a week ago Changkyun got a message from his mother, telling him that their personal butler was off from his assigments. 60 years old and needed rest for his ages. innitiatively, Hyungwon the butler's grandchild volunteered himself to be a subtitute in Changkyun's house.

Hyungwon was deligent person and also clever as  college student. he was the humble one and helpful. only Hyungwon who Changkyun let to talk with him without any treat. Changkyun also trusted his butler to take care house, he let Hyungwon to go to college, no cage, he gave him a freedom as well as he think that was good idea to gain peacefulness.

after taking the medicine and resting, Changkyun felt a bit better. his dizzy faded although his fever was still running in his body.
while he was spacing out his phone suddenly buzzed, receiving a text from unknown number.
it was Kihyun who sent the text.
"since when this weirdo got my number ?" he askd to himself in disgusted way. Changkyun opened the text, started to read it
'annyeong~!! hows your fever ? you like the soup ? i bet you like it, of course, im the chef master. by the way, tomorrow is weekend, lets hanging out at your place, ill make another soup for you. hows it ? OKAY! ITS SETTLED!!"
along sigh came from changkyun as he read the cheesy text.  he was about to replay but instead of typing he just threw his phone to the other side of sofa.
"useless to stop him since he doesnt know the meaning of 'no'" he rolled his eyes, again sighed irritatedly and stood up from sofa then walked to his room to change his uniform and take a proper rest for his fever.

(short, I know T_T error grammar everywhere I know, less connection of each word I know T_T aaaahhh forgive me.)

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2017 ⏰

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